Using variable text

Apr 28, 2021

I am doing a simulation where learners have to enter specific codes or text.

The steps (layers) I am using is:

1.  Base Layer - Learner enters the required text  and submits.

2.  The simulation returns a feedback layer based on the learners input

 Layer 1: The "Corret" layer  jumps to the next slide when the learner clicks on Continue 

Layer 2: The "Incorrect" layer hides when the learner clicks on Try Again and returns to the base layer.

The triggers I am using for this is;  

  • Hide this layer when the user clicks "try Again"  
  • Set text entry to value (blank) when the user clicks  "Try again" 

 The Problem 

The simulation returns to the learner to the base layer but does not allow the learner to redo the step (re-enter the correct text).

I need the learners to be able to complete this step correctly and with accuracy before they can proceed to the next step.

I am missing a step in the process.   

Please H.E.L.P!!


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