Validate Textfield as I Write.

Aug 29, 2013

I am currently working on a software simulation. In the very first page, the learner has to log in into the system on a log in page with two fields: name and password.

What did I do when recording:

  • clicked on the first field
  • typed the name
  • clicked on the second field
  • typed the password
  • pressed log in button

How did Articulate Storyline layed down the instructions:

  • "Click on the textfield" (so I do)
  • ---nothing else---

So, what should I do now? Be cause in order for Articulate to validate what I wrote on that textfield I have to press the Submit button (which is not possible, be cause we won't use that button on the presenter), or press the <Enter> key or <tab> key... 

Don't get me wrong: I can get a workaround to get the learner to read the next instructions, but what do I ideally want?

It would be just great if Articulate can validate the text field as the learner writes on it. Is there a way? If not, I will be forced to add a "Done" button on the instruction caption, which I was trying to avoid.


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