Variable Blues

Apr 25, 2014

I have a variable setup to true if the user clicks all 3 buttons (JY Hose, JY Accessory, JY Multi) then the user jumps to 'Navigation' layer.  It worked correctly for awhile, until I went to change some characters and I must have hidden or removed something that cause the variable to stop working.  I have attached my .story file.  Hopefully, someone will be able to assist me with figuring this out.  I've spent most of the day on it and I know it's something really simple. 

Thank you, 


9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for sharing the file. The first thing I noticed was your trigger to show the "navigation" layer was set to show when the variable changes, but since that doesn't happen on that layer, it'll never recognized that it "changed" and fire your trigger. Instead you'll want to use a trigger such as "show layer navigation when the timeline starts on the condition that SOP is equal to True." You'll also want to change the order of your triggers on the layers, to change the state of the buttons to visited before the layer is hidden or else the state won't have time to adjust. Also, it looks like you're using the visited state for each of the buttons, but again they're on different layers - so each element would need to be on the same layer to access that visited state to change the value to true. You may want to use more than one variable - so that there is an adjustment of a variable per layer, that then would adjust a variable for your main base layer. 

Stephanie  Nesbitt

Hi Ashley, 

I think I've made it worst.  I created a trigger as you stated above to  "show layer navigation when the timeline starts on the condition that SOP is equal to True."  Then I tried to change the states on the buttons, but now all the buttons take me back to the base layer.  Initially, I didn't have the 'Journeys SOPs 1 layer, but a core group of beta users didn't like the slide transitioning on its own and wanted to add arrows to navigate the slide.  Is it possible that you can send me a mock example from my attachment above? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephanie,

Sure thing - check out the example triggers I set up on all your "product" layers, and then the trigger for the "Multiple layer" to show the "navigation layer"  You'll want to include that layer for all your close buttons, and ensure it appears before the hide layer trigger - that way the user will only be directed to the Navigation layer after visiting all the other layers. This was a bit easier than returning them to the base layer which your original design was hinting at. 

Stephanie  Nesbitt

Hi Ashley, 

I've been trying to post this for about 45 mins, but when I add my attachment the page freezes.  I will submit the old slide that is working correctly (before I added the SOP 1 layer) in another reply or sometimes after I submit the post and go to edit it allows me to post the attachment. 

However, this is exactly what I was getting when I made the changes.  What I'm trying to get the states to do is, once the users clicks all three items (Hose, Accessory and Multi) then they will be sent to the 'Navigation' layer.  Currently the way it is they will see the base layer slide each time they click the X to close out of one of the layers.  I would like the variable to be set to True after all SOPs have been visited then send to Navigation.  

I'm sure I am making this much more difficult than it really is or needs to be. 

Stephanie  Nesbitt


I figured it out! WHOO HOO!  Thank you for all your help it definitely got the wheels to turning.  I made the base layer a separate slide, deleted the Journeys SOPs 1 from the original slide and kept the layers there, then I changed variables to visited when user clicks button for Access, Hose and Multi.  If any of that makes sense.  It works and that's all that matters.  Thank you again! 

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