Variable Exclusions (?)

May 06, 2013

Hi, everyone.  I'm fairly new so thanks for being gentle in advance.

I have a text entry field setup to show a specific layer when a certain term is entered into the text entry field...

Example:  When you type in ISP and click [SEARCH], the "def-isp" layer is displayed (see image)...

Here's the part I'm having trouble with.  When the user inputs anything besides those 6 terms listed, I want to show the layer called "correctterm" to display so that they will know to check the term they entered. 

I tried using the "not equal to" conditions, but I couldn't get it to work.  Any suggestions / recommendations?

Also, once each layer is displayed, I'd like to tag it as VIEWED so that the NEXT button will show and allow them to progress to the next slide.  Thanks for any guidance in advance.  ~John

7 Replies
Donna Morvan

Hello John,

If I understood what you want to do correctly then this meets all of your requirements.

1. For triggering layers to show based on what was typed in the data entry, you need to set an actual "trigger" - in my case, it's "Enter". In short, once they have pressed the enter key, it will query the value typed in the text entry and then based on that show the corresponding layer.

Here's how the actual trigger in the wizard will look:

 I will create this for all 5 layers in this case since I have 5 layers.

EXPECTED SCENARIO: When they type "layer1" then it should show "Layer 1". Note that I have also chosen the option to ignore the case. You can do otherwise, if case sensitivity is key.

2. For Incorrect terms - values typed in is not accepted, you will do the same thing but use the "Not Equal To" condition. Note that I set it to OR not AND. This is important because if you use AND, it won't work because you're only typing in one value at a time.

 3. Requiring Layer View

This is tedious since you need to first decide on the "marker". By marker, what will you use as proof that layer has been viewed. In this story example, I based it on whether the "timeline ended" for a specific layer.

a. Create a T/F variable for each layer labeled "Layer1viewed" with Intial Value of "False".

b. In the layer itself, Add a trigger to "adjust variable value to true when it's timeline ends."


 c. On the Base Layer (Main Slide) - Add a condition to the next button that it will only jump to the next slide if all layers have been viewed. In short "LayerXView" variables should all be TRUE.


This time make sure the conditions are set to AND since you want ALL layers to be viewed first.

 d. I also set it to show another layer for Incomplete viewing when they try to click on the Next button and other layers have not been viewed.

It's tedious but it works.

See story file and let me know if you have questions.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!


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