Variables struggle

Oct 14, 2015

Can anyone help me understand why the variables in the attached course don't work?

I wanted the course to jump to the next slide once both layers had been viewed. It briefly worked when I had the timing of the first slide set to 2s. However, when the timing is set to 1s it doesn't.

Is there a way to make this work?

9 Replies
Katherine Redfern

Hi Jason

That's exactly what I've done. It works when the setting is 'jump to new slide when timeline ends', and the timeline ends at 2s.

However, when the timeline is any shorter or the setting is 'jump to new slide when timeline begins' (which would mean the learner doesn't briefly view the original slide again) nothing happens.

I've updated the attached file to indicate which is the problem slide.

Thanks so much for your help

Jason Reed

Okay, I have two solutions for you.

One is to pause the timeline on that first slide as soon as it starts:
Pause timeline > This Slide > When Timeline Starts
Then resume it when a variable changes, as long as both variables are true (this needs one trigger per variable).

The other option is to trigger a next button to appear when the variables change.

I've made examples of both in your file and attached them here. Hope that helps :)

Wendy Farmer

You have the jump to next slide trigger on the base, whereas I have it on the layers -mine is checking for whether both variables are true and isn't dependent on the timeline as users will view at different pace.

Your trigger is on the base slide saying 'when timeline ends' and is set to 2 secs.  You are not pausing the baseline when the layer shows, so just think about how long 2 secs layer displays, comes back to base when they click X, next layer displays, comes back to base when they click X...2 secs has been and gone

Hope that makes sense...shout out if it doesn't

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