Visited State Branching Scenario with Player Next Button State Changes

Mar 23, 2018

I'm not sure if I've chosen the best way to do this, but in the attached SL360 file I have a slide with 9 boxes, each a separate topic to be visited.  In my example, I am only showing one slide to be visited for each box.  In the actual courses there will be multiple slides under each.  For that reason I chose not to use layers.  When the main branching slide starts, I've triggered to disable the Next button on the player.  Then when all boxes (slides) have been visited, I trigger a state change to normal.  I have tried all three "when revisiting" options for the main slide (of course resetting it I know will not work as it will reset the visited states of the boxes).  It looks like the Next button does change to normal for a fraction of a second and then disables again.  I even made sure that the trigger to change to normal state comes after the trigger to disable the button.  It works when I preview the slide only, but does not when previewing the scene or when I publish/upload to Articulate Review.  IS this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

10 Replies
Michael Anselmo

Awesome Wendy.  Thank you!  Any chance you can explain why using the states all visited trigger doesn't work, and why it had to be in the format you used with conditions?  I figured that since that trigger came after the disable trigger, it would have seen that all of the shapes had been visited and change the Next button to normal?  Is it because that trigger only occurs once, the first time the slide is visited, and since we must set the slide to 'resume saved state', it will not look at my trigger again, but will look at those triggers that have to do with when the timeline starts?  Thank you again!

Wendy Farmer
Michael Anselmo

why using the states all visited trigger doesn't work, and why it had to be in the format you used with conditions?

Hi Michael

The visited state occurs as soon as the user clicks the button but because you had the slide properties set to 'reset to initial state', each time the user came back to the slide the visited state was reset to normal so your trigger when 'all are visited' never occurred.

If you were using layers on the same slide that trigger would probably work but since you are leaving the main slide then returning you want two things to happen.  e.g. For SL to remember that buttons 1 and 2 have been clicked so you set the revisit option to 'resume saved state' and you want the Next button to change once all nine buttons are visited and the user returns to the 'hub' slide.

You want SL to check what is the state of everything each time the timeline restarts so 'when the timeline starts' and putting the states into the conditions is the approach I would take.

The beauty of SL is you can achieve the same outcome in different ways so others may chime in with a different approach...I use what works for me :-)

Hope that explains it.

Michael Anselmo

Thanks again Wendy.  I actually did try my original triggers with the slide set to 'resume saved state', but I was trying all of the settings and must have left it on the 'reset to initial state', even though I was sure that was not going to work.  Your method will help me in the future for sure, and the courses I have been working on all pretty much similar original PowerPoint presentations with a 'hub' or 'base' slide with the topics laid out as I had the numbered boxes, and they expand on each, repeating the 'hub' slide showing the topic covered (but it's all linear).  I've just been converting some past Power point Product training, trying to make it a little interactive at least, giving the learner the option to choose the topics in any order they prefer.  Thanks again for your help.  I think using similar logic will also help me with other scenarios I will come across in the future.

Michael Anselmo

Thank you Melanie.  That also worked, and with one less trigger/  I believe I got the idea to disable the Next button initially from a recent Articulate Live webinar where (I think it was David Anderson) showed an example of not allowing the learner to proceed until completing some things and said not to hide the button, but to disable it.  If disabled, then it's clear to the learner that they cannot proceed or that there is more to do before moving to the next slide.  If it's hidden, they may get confused, and if it's there and appears that it should work, I think they also may get confused?  I did something like this before, but at that time I had created my own Previous and Next buttons (and disabled the player buttons).  I didn't have an issue then,  but they was more work to add those.  Thank you!

Melanie Sobie

Glad this information was helpful. I learned this technique from a Storyline newbie I worked with a couple of years ago. I was so surprised - I had never considered not disabling the next button at the beginning of the slide, and thought her alternative method of locking the next button based on the conditions was brilliant! :-)

Wendy Farmer
Michael Anselmo

If disabled, then it's clear to the learner that they cannot proceed or that there is more to do before moving to the next slide.

Good point Michael - that's why I prefer to disable the button otherwise if it's looks clickable but the user can't progress they get frustrated. If I do want to leave it in a normal state, then I add a popup hint that displays for a few seconds 'You must complete all activities on screen before clicking Next' or something visual like that.

Here's a quick peek what I mean

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