XLF best practices

Feb 08, 2021

Hi there,

We've used the .xlf format for translation. On re-import, Strange stuff happen into the Storyline source. 

  • All our bullet list have been condensed into one text block, no animation anymore
  • After a period, question mark, exclamation mark, there were no space anymore
  • There were no more space in between paragraph

Did the translator screwed this step? We don't have much experience in translation. Anyone has encounter those behavior?  What guidelines should we recommend to a translator using this file format. I have yet to find something worthy.






2 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hello Richard!

I'd like to enlist our Support Engineers so they can take a look at the project you're exporting and the .xlf file. It sounds like this is happening consistently with the file you're working on. Please use this link to connect with a Support Engineer. We'll begin troubleshooting right away to see where the snag is.