#313ELHC—Unravel The Truth—Ice Breaker Game By Mrinalini Dayal

Feb 16, 2021

Last week’s elearning heroes challenge was to create a playful interaction using the Two Truths and a Lie icebreaker game.A possible variation could be to build Two Truths and a Dream or even use this icebreaker game to share a little about yourself.
I began building this game with deciding upon the name of the game. I shortlisted about four to five names and then settled for Unravel The Truth. My next step was to decide whether I would build my game in Storyline 360 or Rise 360. I had in the mind the sorting cards interactive template, where the players could sort out the truths from the lies, so I opted for Rise 360.
I designed the introductory screen using one of the characters from the articulate content library. I used 3 images of the same character placed horizontally on the screen side by side. It was meant to depict how the same person is speaking two truths and one lie. To add some drama to this introductory slide I added silhouttes of the same image, one completely black representing the lie, one grey(showing grey areas between the lies and the truths) and the last one white, representing the truth.
I opted for a game font, Gamestation Extended for the title for a more of the game feel. The title of the game would appear thrice, once in black, next in grey and the last one in white. I added some custom animations to keep the player interested in the game.
A small introductory text was added to explain the basic nature of the game, where the start the course appears.
The next screen takes the player to a video screen, which was custom created. Since, the game involves each of the team members speaking one lie and two truths, either of which could be convincing or deceptive, so the phrases “deceptive truths” and “convincing lies” were placed in dialogue boxes. I chose the colours black, grey and a dull shade of purple in sync with the colour of the character chosen for my initial introductory screen. These were placed in symmetry to form a design and some animation added to this video which would play in a loop.
For the next screen I used the gallery from Rise 360, initially a video with some on screen text explaining that the game needs to be played in teams. When the players click the next icon, they are explained Rule 1 of the game with a supporting illustration, also custom created by me. Rule 2 is explained supported by a video. Then players are explained how it is to be played using a video.
Players are allowed to move to the next screen, only after they have completed this section of the game. I built the next section of the game using the flashcard grid in Rise 360. As the players click on each card of the flashcard grid they are introduced to the avatars of the game, these being Steve, Stella and Gabriella.
When the player clicks the continue button, they are taken to an interactive tab template from the multimedia from Rise 360. Here Steve, the first avatar speaks three statements are revealed as the player clicks tabs named—Statement 1, Statement 2 and Statement 3. Each statement was built supported by a custom-made illustration. To keep continuity in the look and feel of the game, I used the silhouettes again and paired Steve’s character with silhouettes of a person paragliding, using the same three colors black, grey and white in the same hierarchy. The silhouettes are placed in the backdrop, behind each of the characters placed diagonally from top left to bottom right. The silhouettes are related to each character’s favourite hobbies. These being paragliding for Steve, shopping for Stella and musical notes for Gabriella.
The next section of the game was built using the sorting cards from Rise 360. The truths and lies were placed on sorting cards and the sorting categories ‘TRUTHS’ and ‘LIES’ were created. Thereafter, similar interaction tab was created for Stella followed by a sorting interaction for Stella and an interactive tab interaction for Gabriella and a sorting cards interaction for her. The advantage of using the sorting cards template was that the feedback gets displayed after the player has sorted all the cards, so the players gets feedback as to the number of cards they got correct versus the number they got incorrect.
I used a mix and match interaction, where players match Steve, Stella and Gabriella to their correct hobbies. The players get feedback after they click the submit button. The players have the option of taking these interactions again if they do not get all the answers correct. After this, I built the ‘Check if you know your team well enough’ section, here a checklist appears with each avatar described with his or her favourite hobby, which is a kind of recapitulation, that after the players have completed the sorting cards interactivity they know for sure the hobbies of each of the avatars.
Next, I built the acing the game tips section, using the interactive tabs section from multimedia blocks of Rise 360. As the, player clicks of tabs 1, 2 and 3 the 3 pro tips appear accompanied by a custom made video with some animations.
The next section, I handpicked a quotations template from Rise 360, created a custom video, playing in loop animation in the backdrop and the quotation appears on the top. To conclude the game, I used the flipcard grid template, where each of the three avatars thanks the players for playing the game—Unravel The Truth and they are encouraged to play the game in case their team dynamics changes again.

Link to Demo: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/f0038b01-c8fc-421e-ac2a-202177c6b948/review

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