Adding variables to questions on different slides.

May 18, 2015

Hi, I have got five questions, starting out from 1 page with markers with different states , nomal, hover, correct and incorrect. Each marker jumps to a question.

Is it possible to use variables and triggers to change the state of the marker on the starting slide when user gives a correct awnser or incorrect awnser on the multiple choice slide?

I got this idea from the travelgame. But that one has every question in the one slide in layers. This would be fine as well exept that you can only use one type of question.


3 Replies
Shane Coady-Barrett

Hi Helmi,

I'm assuming that after the user has answered a question that they return to the page with the markers on?

If so, this could definitely be done with Variables and Triggers. You need to create the following Variables:

Marker1, Marker2, Marker3, Marker4, Marker5 - One way to set them up would be as text variables.

Then on your individual Question Pages you'd set a trigger to each of the answers to do the following:


Action: Adjust Variable
Variable: Marker1
Operator: = Assignment
Value: Value | Correct
When: User Clicks


Action: Adjust Variable
Variable: Marker1
Operator: = Assignment
Value: Value | Incorrect
When: User Clicks

Then on the slide with your markers on, you'd add this trigger (It would need to be done 10 times. Once for correct, and once for incorrect for each Marker)

Action: Change state of
On object: Marker shape 1 - 'Marker'
To state: Correct
When: Timeline starts
Object: Slide

On Condition:

List: Variables
If: Marker1
Operator: == Equal To
Type: Value
Value: Correct

Hope this has helped - Please don't hesitate to get in touch if if hasn't.

Kind Regards


Helmi Tuinstra

Hi Shane,

Thanks a lot for your reply. This helps me a lot. I still have one question. On the individual question pages you'd set a trigger to each of the awnser. But how do you do that with multiple reponse questions. When more than one awnser is correct. Can I add conditions ? However I don't see the possibility to add a condition for the buttons of the multiple response questions...

Vriendelijke groet,

Helmi Tuinstra | Opleidingshuis Reclassering | Medewerker Opleidingen
Postbus 8215, 3503 RE Utrecht * Vivaldiplantsoen 100, 3533 JE Utrecht
t (030) 292 4878 *m 06 2948 8043 Werkdagen: ma / di / do / vr


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