Examples for a fire safety training?

Mar 14, 2014

Hello! I am about to create my first Storyline training package, which will be about fire safety for health workers in the community/people's homes. Since it will be my first go, and you all seem so friendly, I thought I'd ask if you've seen any relevant examples I could use to get the creative juices flowing?

Basically, it will be:

1. common risks and how to manage them,

2. what action they should take/policy and procedures.

So it's more of giving information and assessing they've understood it, with links/embedded content.

Any help much appreciated


3 Replies
Mike Taylor

Welcome to the community Ruth! Have you seen Tom's fire extinguisher examples? They might give you some good ideas for presenting your info. Depending on where your docs/policies are you could also use web objects or include them as supporting info under the Resources tab  if you want to provide them but keep them from cluttering up your course. 

John McNichol

Hi Ruth,

I've just recently finishing developing a Health & Safety module for a client.  I structured the fire safety section in three parts:

What a fire is - what makes a fire (you can get loads of ideas for interactivity from the "fire triangle") and why it is dangerous (skin burns, toxic fumes and structural damage etc)

Fire prevention - use of fire doors and fire extinguishers

Evacuation - what to do in the event of a fire - I did this as a drag and drop process order of importance and then get the user to pull important info they need to be aware of in the event of a fire such as how to use a fire alarm, safety points for fire wardens etc



Ruth Jenkins

Hi Mike, I hadn't seen Tom's examples, but they are great. I try to avoid bullet points and it gave me a lot of tips!

Thanks John, I particularly like your idea for a drag and drop for evacuation. We're trying to encourage a certain process for evacuation, so this seems like something that could be very useful.



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