How can I submit quiz results whilst a course is running

Dec 02, 2021

Hi everyone,

I have an instructor who wishes to use a Storyline presentation in the classroom (as a SCORM package in the Moodle LMS) using his version as the main screen presentation. He wants his students to follow along on their own devices. At points during his lesson he wants them to take quizzes (simple pick-one or multiple choice) within the Storyline deck. But, and here's where I'm struggling, he wants to be able to see the results of each individual live/when they've completed each quiz so that he can respond to those with problems or discuss the overall effort with the entire class.

Obviously the results of each quiz will be reported by SCORM to the Moodle gradebook at the end of the entire presentation. But does anyone know if Storyline can be made to report individual scores in real time whilst the presentation is open? Is there a way to use a submit results during a 'course' or is there an alternative using Javascript?

Looking forward to any help anyone can provide.

4 Replies
G Howe

An interesting challenge for e-learning, although I don't have the technical answer.  I agree with the instructor's method, which serves to assess student understanding and quickly address any shortcomings or misalignment of the instructional design-target population and to confirm learning.  This was the benefit of classroom based delivery and guided discussions.  I used to do this in F2F courses & had a note pad in class to document these findings on the spot for later lesson revisions.  An old but worthy process that doesn't seem to have migrated to e-learning? 

 I look forward to the technical answers provided to you. 

Bianca Woods

Hi Sam,

That's a fascinating but tricky challenge there! The first potential solution that came to mind was skipping Storyline quiz questions and the LMS entirely for the mid-class quizzing. For live results, something like a Google form or some other survey tool that's embedded as a web object into the course for each quiz could feel seamless to the learners but would give this instructor the live results he needs for the question debrief. Plus, the results might be easier to quickly check for the debrief than those in the LMS. If these questions are being used for knowledge checks rather than finally assessments with a recorded grade, then that approach might work.

Sam Lincoln
Thank you Jack and Bianca and my apologies for not reposnding sooner (I mistakenly thought a post author was auto subscribed!).

Your manual override solution Jack was my advice either using a notepad, show or hands, or plickers. But the instructor thought this broke with the use of technology!!

Similarly Biance, altholugh the use of third party web objects would work, my company is reluctant to store data (even temporarily) on a third party app! (I know ... as if there aren't obstacles enough?).

The solution chosen resulted from recently introducing live engagement tools which I inserted as web objects. Since H5P (though not the use of is a core plug in to Moodle, my company did not recognise the irony of using that third party app! I didn't tell them and no one has yet noticed!!