How would yould do that??

Mar 08, 2011

First of all, sorry, English is not my first language and I have trouble explaining my project in this question:

What I want to do in my course is a bit like the tests we see in magazines.

It is somewhat of a quiz/survey in which I have many sentences (about 60).

For each sentence, the student has to answer if he recognizes himself in it.

At the end of the quiz/survey, I need to give the results to the student.

For example:

You answered that you recognize yourself in sentences 1, 2, 16, 35, 54 and 60.  Your answers correspond to a Type D profile.

So... do you have any suggestions to help me build that in PowerPoint/Articulate?

Thank you!

9 Replies
Zara Ogden

There is also the branching tutorial

I think that you need to incorporate a detailed and creative branching scenario in quizmaker or in PPT to get the effect you want. If you map it out first and take the time i think that you can achieve what you want. I am not sure of another way although I am sure that there is one.

I think you have to do diligent mapping to get the effect you want.

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