Is there a way to "Bracket" conditions in the Trigger Wizard?

Nov 03, 2016

Hi.  I'd like to bracket conditions in the trigger wizard but I can't see a way of doing it ... is it possible?

I'd like:

(AGood - radio button's state is selected OR ABad - radio button's state is selected) AND (BGood - radio button's state is selected OR BBad - radio button's state is selected)  ....etc.

There are six questions, each with a "Good" and "Bad" radio button and I want to make sure each question has either "Good" or "Bad" selected before jumping to the next slide.


4 Replies
Michael Hinze

There is no way to bracket trigger conditions. You could use variables (one for each set) that indicates once a Good or Bad button in a set has been clicked. This approach is useful when you want to refer to the selections later on. Or, you could use a third button (with an initial state of Selected) in each set which is moved offstage. You can then use the state of these offstage buttons to determine when at least one (onstage) button in each set had been clicked and based on that enable the Next button. See attached a quick example.