Issues with limiting attempts and results resetting

Nov 18, 2019

I have been attempting to limit the number of attempts for a course as well as reset the count on the slides, neither have been successful. Any advice would be appreciated. 

3 Replies
Joanne Chen

Hi Monique,

You need to check out all the triggers related to the variable Attempt.

  1. Your default value of variable Attempt is zero. But the failure layer will only show on the condition of the variable Attempt=1, that's why the failure layer will never show when users not pass it.
  2. On your failure layer,  there are two triggers demend the two buttons (review and retake) to be hidden when timeline starts the layer. But they should be shown before the last attempts. so you should add a condition to each trigger do that only in the last attempt.
  3. I don't know why you add 1 to variable Attempt when clicking Reveiw BTN. Logically, it should not be counted attempt when reviewing a quiz.
  4. The two buttons on the base layer of result slide could be removed when the failure layer works as expected.
Author 1

Hi Monique,

I have made some changes in triggers and buttons on result slide, I hope this will be helpful for you.

I have deleted the buttons on the base layer of the result slide along with triggers on it and made some changes in the triggers of Failure layer. On a Home page, on a click of Assessment tab set all variables to initial value (variables are "Attempt", "NumberAnswered", "NumberCorrect").

For your reference, I have attached source file as well, I hope this will solve your issue.

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