Job Aids

Nov 06, 2018

Hi Everyone!

I know this is an ELearning platform but I am currently building a massive course which will feature a variety of different learning methods and content from the traditional ELearning course to animated explainer videos, chatbots, games and downloadable resources/job aids.

I am curious how everyone uses resources/job aids in their courses, how you create them and what technologies (if at all) are used in the job aid?

Currently, I have been building out a resource library in this course I am working on where all the resources /job aids will sit as downloadable in alphabetical order. They will also sit in the relevant section of the course with a link to download.

All my job aids / resources are either designed and developed in PowerPoint, Word or Canva with a strong infographic style.

Finally, we are looking into Augmented Reality for our job aids which would feature a scannable item from their mobile phone to simulate the content of the job aid. Previously, we have also used QR Codes which have linked the person to a complimentary job aid, website etc.

Just looking to hear how everyone else is using job aids / resources in the courses, learn best practises and see how everyone is using technology to compliment them.

6 Replies
Troy Ashman

Thanks Allison, I haven't considered Rise to house them yet. I've been building a Storyline course with a custom-build navigation, which features a button to a Glossary and Resources Scene. This would house all resources provided during the course.

I am also keen to hear what others have to say and how they are using technology to compliment them. Anyone?

Ulises Musseb

Before recommending/using any media for job aids, I always make sure that I don't forget what job aids are used for. They are meant to be (a) easily accessible, (b) succinct, to the point, (c) honest and empathetic, and most importantly, (d) easily upgradeable. The last point is particularly important when they are about software, web pages or any ever-changing interfaces.

The system/place where they reside for access can determine what is the most effective ways of providing easy access for just-in-time performance support for what they are. That includes access to them after they have completed the course.

Many of my job aids are made for navigation in websites or portals. They are in PDF format, almost all of them no more than two pages long, with little text and illustrations with callouts pointing at the portion of the interface that the job aid helps with.

Other are about completion of tasks, and they exist in both PDF and video format. PDFs are no longer than two pages, and the videos are no longer than one minute long (with a few exceptions). I try to keep them as brief and accessible as possible without sacrificing the content.

Accessibility of the job aids depend of how your particular audience access the system where they reside.

I hope this helps.

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