layer on master slide total confusion

Dec 19, 2016

Articulate 360 review is the best tool I've ever used for working with SMEs.  Fantastic.  Storyline 360, however, is turning my hair grayer because I have never in my life built anything with Power Point so the Master Slide thing is not working out.  I made a Content Master for Module 1 and it worked fine.  Did the same thing for attached module 2 but the red header box font will not display at 22 points except once in a while.  I have no idea why.  Help is going to be greatly appreciated.  Other option is make a red shape then insert a text box.   Slide 2 is fine Slide 4 is not.  Slide 5 is fine, Slide 6 shrinks.    Also, is it possible to delete all the layouts I do not need?

This is a Power Point imported to be used as a guide.  I have to follow the PPT but replace the cruddy screen elements with key words and images.

3 Replies
Nancy Woinoski

Hi Peter, the reason that the text is shrinking on some titles and not others is that the properties for the text box are set to "Shrink text on overflow".  This means that when the text is longer than the size of the red rectangle Storyline will shrink it down so that it fits. 

1.To change this go into the slide master and select the red rectangle on the layout you are using. Right click and select Format Shape. Then select Text Box. You should see the screen above. Under Autofit select the Do not autofit button and click close.

This will fix the problem but you will find that some of the text may wrap in the rectangle. You can either make the rectangle longer on the slide master or lower the font size.

2. You can delete layouts in the slide master by right-clicking on the layout in the slide master list  to the left and click delete. I don't think it lets you delete a layout if it is being used by one or more slide. You can see how many slides use the layer by hovering your mouse over the slide layout in the list. 

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