Linking Projects, Linking Scenes

Mar 29, 2021

Hi, everyone: 

I have developed five short projects that are all parts of a single course. 

I'm wondering what is best (in terms of course performance): 

  • Link the projects (and how would I do that?) 
  • Copy everything into one large project as one large scene? 
  • Copy everything into one large project, with five separate scenes? 

I don't understand the benefit of having scenes within a project ... my learners will be going straight from the end of one to the beginning of the next. So why have scenes? 

TIA - 


2 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

Scenes are a good way to isolate those modules for you during production. As you note, the end user isn't concerned with scenes.

I'd probably put each module into separate scenes and then create a main menu slide that links to the separate scenes.

The main consideration is probably what you need to track and if you have in an LMS.