Status completed and non-mandatory slides

Nov 29, 2013

There are two ways a module gets the status Completed.

1.       A minimum (most times all) number of slides is visited

2.       A minimum quiz result

With the first option you have a problem when the project contains non-mandatory slides such as slides used as lightboxes or slides with 'extra' information. If the students 'skips' these slides he doesn't reach the status Completed.

My solution for this problem is that at the start of the project the non-mandatory slides are automatically visited.


Each non-mandatory slide has its own variable: init1Done, init2Done, init3Done etc. These variables tell Storyline if a slide has been visited (initialized). There is also a variable initAllDone which tells if the initialization process is done.

 Triggers on slide Initialize:

Triggers on non-mandatory slides:

Steps initialization

1.       The project start at the slide Initialize

2.       Because init1Done is False Storyline jumps to the non-mandatory slide More Info 1

3.       On More Info 1 the variable Init1Done is set to True

4.       and because initAll is False Storyline returns to the slide Initialize

5.       On Initialize the first trigger is skipped because init1Done is true

6.       The second trigger tells Storyline to jump to slide More Info 2

7.       The process on More Info 2 is the same as on More Info 1 (only with a different variable)

8.       Back on the first slide. The first two triggers are skipped and InitAll is set to True

9.       Storyline continues to the next slide (Menu)

If the student visits a non-mandatory slide the variable initAll is True which prevents a jump to the slide Initialize.

Prevent flashing

To prevent that during the initialization the content of the non-mandatory slides flashes up, all objects have a small delay:


... but I cannot figure out this

In the example there are two extra buttons. You can use these to reset the variables and to restart the initialization process (something that will never happen in a real project).

The strange thing is that after visiting at least one slide (from the slide Menu) these buttons work perfect. However when I do not visit an information slide, reset the variables a click on the button Replay results in a white screen. Does anyone has any idea what I am missing?

... and found a solution!

Cleo Sinues, Customer Support Engineer at Articulated responded to my question and suggested the following:

The reason why your content is displaying a blank screen after the variables are chanced is because as soon as you select the "Replay" button, it jumps to slide 1.1 goes through several conflicting jumps (jump to 1.1/2.1/2.2) and loops. You will get a different behavior if you break the loop by changing on of the conditions to true. It would be best that you try re-evaluate your Jump to triggers based on the conditions or value of the variables. 

This wasn't the solution but it made me think that at revisiting slide 1.1 it should have some more time to 'settle'. After adding the two jump-triggers to the Text Box Title instead of the slide object itself the Replay function also works perfect.

These are the triggers on slide 1.1 of the improved version:

This blog is available in Dutch on You can also visit this side for a online version of the project. 

10 Replies
Nancy Woinoski

I think it might have something to do with your trigger order on the non-mandatory slides. You are changing the init1Done variable to true before the Jump to trigger is invoked which means that Storyline will never jump to the initialize slide.

Try moving the Jump to trigger up so that it is at the top of the slide trigger list .

Chris Dorna

Hi Nancy,

Thanks for your suggestion. However I don't think this is the problem. When I switch the two triggers on the non-mandatory slides the first trigger will result in a jump to the slide Initialize and the variable init1Done will not change because the program never comes to this trigger. The initialization works perfect. Only in the experimental case of a re-initialization there is a problem when none non-mandatory slides were visited before the re-initialization.


Bruce Graham

No idea on the solution here, however, I always insist that if we have optional slides that they are not included in a SCORM count.

If they are optional they are not essential to the learning experience, by definition, (mine anyway...).

So it is possible that a course can be "completed" on consumption of about 60% of the available slides in some cases.

Nancy Woinoski

@Bruce - I think that Chris has a neat idea for tracking optional slides if he can get it to work.

Your way also works well. Another thing I do is create a "fake" one question quiz and then use a blank results slide (set up to look like a regular content slide) to track completion.

It would be so much easier if we could just specify which slides we want to include in the completion count. Fingers crossed that this feature gets added in the next major release.

Chris Dorna

Bruce Graham said:

No idea on the solution here, however, I always insist that if we have optional slides that they are not included in a SCORM count.

If they are optional they are not essential to the learning experience, by definition, (mine anyway...).

So it is possible that a course can be "completed" on consumption of about 60% of the available slides in some cases.

Hello Bruce,

I thought about your solution but that does not guarantee that all mandatory slides are viewed


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