True/False Variables

Jan 13, 2015

Hey everyone,

I have a 10 slide SL where I am implementing True/False variables that are set at each slide and then are reflected on a progression slide. I am lightboxing the slide to show users how far along in the storyline they are. This works wonderfully most times but sometimes it gets messed up and doesn't work. 

My question is, since I also have Menu Navigation available for the Users to jump around that this is messing up my variables. I tried Restricted or Locked but that slows everything down and doesn't allow users to click Next until the Timeline finishes which will drive people nuts. Has anyone done anything like this before and experienced the same issue?




4 Replies
Sabine Whipple

Hi I am trying to get around the same issue. I want the learner to be restricted in moving from one section to the next but the next button tied to the timelines drives my testers nuts. So, I found someone who used a lightbox menu slide with conditions on each of the buttons for the sections on the menu to go from disabled to normal one the assocated variable is moved from false to true. For instance, when the timeline starts at the end if the first section, I created a variable "show nav" and created a trigger to adjust that variable to true when the timeline on the last slide of the previous section starts. Then, I created a trigger on the lightboxed slide, on the  'navigation' button to change state to normal (inital state is disabled) when the value of the 'show nav' variable changes. 

What I want to happen is that when someone is at the end of one section, they can hit the 'course sections' tab on the player and the lightboxed menu slide will pop up, withe the next section (in this case naviagation) enabled. 

The button is not changing states. 

I am sure I am missing something. I have watched David's YouTube on working with true false variables doing  the almost idential thing,  but mine is somehow not working. 

Eric Quarrell

Hi Sabine, 

Instead of using "When Variable Changes", use "When Timeline Starts". 

Once the variable has changed, it will always be changed unless you set a trigger to change it back, so using "variable change" is good for when you want something to happen immediately on the same slide which the variable is changing on.

However since in this instance the variable change and what you want to see happen are on separate slides, using "timeline starts" is the better option. 

"timeline starts" will immediately check for the variable (and always check every time the slide is called) to see if that variable is whatever you are looking for.

So in this instance:

Change state of Navigation to NORMAL When Timeline Starts If shownav is equal to True.

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