Trying to get a scene to work the way I want it to.

Aug 09, 2021

I've built a scene where two characters are having a conversation and it's rather lengthy.  I want to cut away to a statistical slide and then later to a video slide, but I can't seem to get it to go through the entire progression.  It goes to the statistics slide, returns to the base slide, which starts over again, so I get a loop.  I can't seem to determine what I'm doing incorrectly.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



1 Reply
Judy Nollet

Hi, Paula,

The problem is that the slide is resetting to its initial state (i.e., restarting the timeline) when the program jumps back from the other slides. Sometimes, that can be fixed by adjusting the Slide Properties to Resume Save State (i.e., continue from wherever the timeline was). However, that can't be used in your case, because the slide would resume at the cue point, which means it would jump right back to the other slide. 

The fix:

  • Put the stats and the video on layers with the following Slide Layer Properties: 

These settings pause the base timeline when the layer opens. The base timeline automatically resumes when the layer closes. 

  • Change the base triggers to show the appropriate layer at the designated cue points (instead of jumping to another slide). 

The attached file is an edited version of your file that shows how this works.