View compliance slides based on location they select – Do I add 16 scenes and 16 variables…or?

Feb 11, 2021

I work for a company that has 16 plant locations and everyone needs to complete the Plant Food Safety Training. I've been asked to redesign the course. 

Current State:  The facilitator at each plant, launches the course from Workday Learning (LMS) and plays the digital course to a group (pre-COVID). Some of the slides prompt the facilitator to cover their plant specific content, then the facilitator opens a PowerPoint stored on a network drive.

Future State: We want to include each plant's unique content in the course. Each plant will send me their specific information that covers two topics: Allergens and Critical Controls. I'm not sure if it will be the same number of slides per plant. Scene 1 will contain the generic content. My idea is to add a slide 'Select your location:' with a drop-down list, remove  '>' from the slide properties, build a Next button that branches according to the location. I know that I will need to create a variable for each plant location and create a trigger than branches to the applicable content. Is it better to create two additional scenes, one for each topic, then add each plant’s content to each topic? Or…create 16 scenes per location that contains their content?

Course completion criteria: View slides in Scene 1, view their location content, and pass the quiz. 

What is the easiest way to achieve this? I'm not sure which kind of variable to add...and setup completion criteria. I'm enrolled in the upcoming variable webinars, and appreciate any input from the group.  

3 Replies
Erin Flage

My first thought is yes, I'd create a scene for each plant's custom content.  This will make your organization of content much easier.

As for the branching part, no need to create variables.  How I'd tackle this is create a Survey or Freeform Pick One question slide. Add each plant location as answer choices.  

Set the Question details as follows:

  • Feedback: by choice
  • Shuffle: None

On the feedback for each choice, click the "More..." button and set the correct branching location on the "Branch to the following location."

Nancy Woinoski

There are lots of different ways you could set this up.

Here is one way that might work for you.

Place the unique content for each location in a separate scene.

Create a scene that contains all the info common to each plant. Make this the starting scene in your project. On the last slide in this scene put your list of plant locations.

I think you can get away with one variable for this.  Create a number variable called location and set the default to 0.

You are going to have to create a separate trigger for each of the location options as follows:

Adjust variable location to 1 when user clicks  location 1 

Adjust variable location to 2 when user clicks location 2


Then on the next button, you will have to add 16 more triggers to direct the user to the correct scene for their location.

Jump to scene x when the user clicks next if the variable location is = value 1


Hope this helps.


Tanya Davidson

Thanks for the suggestions! I didn't receive an email notification that someone responded, so I created a prototype course for 3 locations and tested in LMS. Logic works. Yay! 

Additional details about the use case: Learners can enroll in digital course and watch on their own....or a facilitator plays the course for a group. The facilitator does not enroll in the course. The file is shared in Workday Drive, so it's launched from there. Some slides play automatically, others advance By User because the facilitator will explain their plant specific slide. Our goal is to get audio added to the plant slides, but some facilitators are 'old school' and don't want it like that.

Build details: 

1. Created a True/False variable for each plant, and set to False.

2. Since the content has to be viewed in a certain order, I couldn't add the 'Select Location' slide at the end of scene 1. In scene 1, the learner views 3 slides, then the 'Select Location' slide appears.

3. Scene 1 - Select Location slide:

  • Added a text box for each location with a hover state, so it appears as a button.  
  • Added Slide Triggers: Set each Location variable to False when timeline starts on this slide.  Why? Facilitators will be curious and select other locations to see how it behaves, reset to False so they aren't sent to the wrong scene if they clicked on a different location initially. 
  • Added Object Triggers: Order of these triggers is important! 1) Set 'Location' value to True when the user clicks the Location.  2) Jump to 'Location scene' when the user clicks 'Location'.  

4. Location Scene: Only 1 of 2 slides is viewed, then it branches back to Scene 1 -  slide after the Select Location slide. 

  • Location scene - slide 1: Added Trigger: Jump to slide 1.4 Chemical Food Safety Issues (in scene 1) when user clicks 'Next'.

5. Scene 1: Learner views 5 more 'general' content slides, then it automatically branches to the 'Location scene' - Slide 2. Location variable branches learner to the appropriate scene and slide.

6. Location scene - Slide 2: Added Trigger Jump to slide 1.6 (scene 1) when user clicks 'Next'.

7. Exit Slide: Added trigger 'Complete Course' when timeline starts.

8. Player > Menu:

  • Removed scenes 2, 3, 4 from the menu. 
  • Navigation set to Restricted. Didn't lock down the seekbar, so facilitator can drag to certain spot if needed. Linear format, cannot skip forward to Exit slide. 

9. Publish for LMS: selected 'Using triggers (e.g. 'complete course) as the criteria. Note: First time using this feature and always wondered why the box was grayed out. I didn't realize I had to create the 'Complete Course' trigger first!