Show Next Button After All Slide Objects Clicked, Viewed, and Visited

May 07, 2012

Conditional button that appears after all content is viewed

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A common question we're getting is around showing content (buttons, feedback, golden tickets) after the learner has viewed or clicked a number of objects.

Here's a quick and dirty example of how you can use triggers to evaluate button states to show hidden objects:




13 Replies
Carrie Derner
I have a slide with 5 points/dots along the axis of a graph. Below the graph are 5 buttons with text that define the values for the corresponding points along the axis. (see screen shots)
Users can either click on a point, which then highlights the corresponding definition button, or they can click on a definition button and the corresponding point/dot will highlight.
The slides has lots of triggers, but works smoothly in html and html5.
The client is adamant that their users must see all the points before the custom next button on the page is active. I'm not sure of the best solution here. (There are no layers, just different states.) I thought about creating a work-around using a number variable that triggers the state of the next button to change to active after the value is 5 or more. So, I set the variable and assigned a trigger to each of the dots and each of the definition buttons to add 1 to variable. However, I must have done something wrong because it doesn't work. Can this work? Is there a better solution?
Jekaterina Kockina

Hello!  I have a problem that I would really like the advice on. I have the same situation - several objects on the main slide, by clicking on each object it takes me to a new slide with a video and a then quiz slides afterwards. I want learners to be able to click objects in no special order. I want the next button to appear normal, not once I clicked all objects on the main slide, but after learners would have also seen the video and done the quiz. The problem that I find is that the next button becomes normal too soon...and it does not look good. I tried to work with variables here (adding that only after the videos are completed the state should change), but it did not work. Any ideas?

Lauren Connelly

Hello Jekaterina!

It sounds like you don't want the Next button to appear unless the learner has finished watching each video and completed the quiz question. Have you tried adding a True/False variable for each product? On the last question slide, add a trigger to set the variable to True when the learner clicks Submit. Lastly, add a trigger on the menu slide to change the state of the Next button to Normal when the timeline starts and every variable is equal to True.

That should do the trick! If not, let me know and we'll investigate further!

Kelsey Hahn

I've set up a slide this way and it just isn't working. I've tried with the button initial state of hidden and disabled and it doesn't change when my other buttons are visited. I altered the appearance of the visited states, so I can tell the states of the first 3 buttons are changing, but are not triggering the final button to change to normal state.