Forum Discussion

DarrenNash's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Adjust the size of the audio block play button?


I have several Audio files in a Rise course which works fine.

The general feedback when testing is that the Audio play button is difficult to see. The Audio seek bar and Play button are very small,

Can this be adjusted to be larger?

  • AnoukBerger's avatar
    Community Member

    I would like to add that I have had the same feedback from users, they wish the play button was bigger.

    Besides, I believe we cannot change its colors, and with a darker background it is barely visible, so giving the option to change the color (or maybe toggle between a light and dark theme?) would be great!

    • LoganStahler's avatar
      Community Member

      If you go the custom Storyline block route like I did, you can make the play button any color/size you want!

      I recently updated the block a bit to make the play/pause button a bit more front and center.

      • KristenRandall-'s avatar
        Community Member

        This is great, but I cannot access Storyline anymore without downloading an app, which does not seem to be available in Canada.  Are there any other suggestions?  Thanks all!

  • I have a few activities that require a play button and have had feedback from my learners that the Rise playback is too small. Can we please make this larger/adjustable?  Thanks! 

    • hazelB's avatar

      Thanks for your interest, Sarah. We're tracking requests and we'll update this thread if we make changes that will help.  

  • CatKorpela's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm just adding my two cents' to this discussion. I've had the same feedback from my clients. I currently have to put a large heading in the block above (AUDIO (click the arrow ► below to play) but it's not an ideal solution. I agree that users with vision problems and/or low technical skills may find it challenging to find the play button. I hope this will become a feature we can change soon!

    • LoganStahler's avatar
      Community Member

      Cat - my workaround was to create a Storyline "player" for my audio files which I then embedded into the course (see image below).

      The build is simple - the play button area has a hotspot over it which plays the audio track when clicked. It also shows a new layer (a duplicate of the base but with a pause button instead of a play button). When that layer's hotspot is clicked, it pauses the audio and hides that layer so the base layer/play button appears. You can toggle between play/pause like any audio player.

      Here's a screenshot of the player in line with other content. The client was very happy with it. 


      I hope this helps others!


      • CatKorpela's avatar
        Community Member

        Logan - thank you! That's an even better workaround than what I have! I think I'll do that instead! 

  • Hi Logan! Thanks for adding your voice. We're tracking requests for this feature and we'll let you know here if we make changes that will help.  

    In the meantime, you can try adding captions with big fonts and changing the background color to make the audio block more visible.  Check out my sample below:

    I hope this helps!


    • LoganStahler's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Lea-

      Thanks for the tip - the block standing out isn't the issue, it's the tiny size of the play button and that we are dealing with users who may have vision issues and technical deficiencies. They likely know what a play button looks like, but may easily overlook it given its current size! I hope the team pushed this request forward, and soon!


  • LoganStahler's avatar
    Community Member

    Articulate - please accomodate this request! It's been sought for over a year!

    • KelleyDurdella-'s avatar
      Community Member

      Hey Logan! This thread about audio was from awhile ago, but I wanted to see if you came up with any new/better audio hacks. I am super disappointed in the audio features in Rise.

      I tried your workaround and I really like it, but it is still really big on the page despite shrinking down the slide size, eliminating padding, etc. 

      I also would love to do the card sort with audio but can't think of a way to do that. :(


      Anyway, I was just curious if you figured anything else out!

      • LoganStahler's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Kelley-

        I have not played with any further audio block options since posting my workaround above. Sorry I can't be of help here! Hopefully the Articulate team will hear our cries for improved audio buttons which will solve everyone's problem.


  • Hi Darren,

    Unfortunately, that’s not currently possible. If you have time to log a feature request and tell us more about your specific needs, that would be super helpful!

    Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.