Forum Discussion
Adjust the size of the audio block play button?
I have several Audio files in a Rise course which works fine.
The general feedback when testing is that the Audio play button is difficult to see. The Audio seek bar and Play button are very small,
Can this be adjusted to be larger?
- StephenRCommunity Member
Is there any update on this? This is such a simple feature request with so many benefits to accessibility and user experience, it surprises me that Rise haven't actioned it after 4 years. Even Phil in this chat has come up with a solution to the problem.
I have a project with a LOT of audio files, doing workaround creating blocks in storyline an importing them into Rise is a big time waste, for such a simple feature request. Make the play button bigger or more prominent.
- PhilFossCommunity Member
I made a theme component for this purpose, here's a look at the default on left and the increased size on right. Also I tapped into my theme's accent color to fill in the 'played' portion of the audio timeline.
I've documented the CSS here:
- SelmaDorrest262Community Member
That's elegant, but for me not yet feasible. We are unsure yet whether to work with a web export or simply distribute the Rise generated url. The client will not be able to preview in Review (I know a web export is easily made and hosted, but it'll confuse the client). And I'm afraid this manual action will get forgotten when exporting updated versions after small corrections.
I'll sure keep this in mind for my own projects though!
- SelmaDorrest262Community Member
+1, as I'm creating a rise course aimed at patients who are dealing with loss of sight due to rare types of dementia. The small audio button is honestly a bit of a slap in the face.
Going to try the workaround (thank you for sharing, Logan), but it will be a bit of a pain to add one to each text block.
- MediaFarmCommunity Member
Completely agree on this request. Sadly, the way this is handled by Articulate is the rule and not the exception. Articulate fails to listen to their users and even the simplest and most obvious requests/issues is hardly ever fixed. The "solutions" given by support is just, at best, awkward workarounds. I guess they have very few developers working on improvements, as very little functionality is added over the years.
I worked with many great developers that implement feedback quickly and keeps the user-mass in the beta-loop to improve new functionality. Sadly, Articulate is not one of them. - DocFoxCommunity Member
It really is disappointing that Articulate has not fixed this yet. This is such low-hanging fruit to improve the accessibility and usability of a very common and important component of many elearning courses. Four and a half years later and Articulate can't figure out how to increase the size of a button? It tells me one or more of the following is true: 1) Articulate does not really care about the accessibility and usability of their products, 2) Articulate does not really care about the feedback provided by their users, or 3) Articulate is secretly owned and managed by Elon Musk, who has fired all of their competent engineers and designers and will be changing the product's name to "X-Learn" soon.
- SarahMorrison-7Community Member
We've had many requests from clients for an audio control button (odd that you can control the volume on video blocks but not on audio blocks). Will this feature be available at any point?
- RadhikaThosarCommunity Member
I have a few audio files in Rise 360 and wanted to know if we have the option to add a Volume Control button. If yes, please let me know how I can add it. Thanks!
- EdwardHoke-8ec6Community Member
Hello! I would like to add a +1 to Eric's point above. Thank you.
- DocFoxCommunity Member
The tiny audio play button in Rise is terrible for both usability and accessibility, particularly on touchscreens. The usability experts at the Nielsen Norman Group recommend that interactive elements on touchscreens be at least 0.4in × 0.4in (see The Rise audio button is nowhere near that size and is extremely difficult to touch on mobile devices. This should be fixed throughout the platform as soon as possible, particularly if Articulate is going to claim to care about accessibility. Right now, your audio button (a pretty important component of most elearning courses) is not even accessible to people with, y'know, human fingers.
Thanks so much for sharing those examples, Logan! What a creative idea!