Forum Discussion
Articulate Updater Not Working?
Good afternoon!
I am trying to update over 100 Storyline 360 SCORMs for our LMS, and for some reason, I cannot get the Articulate Updater to find any of them.
I have moved all the SCORM zip files into a single folder to make the scanning and updating process more accessible, but once I run, the Updater comes back saying "0 files needing an update." I know this is not the case because of the courses have been republished since 12/2021.
This Updater has worked before, but now I am stuck on what to do. I even did a FULL system scan of folders and files, but it shows none needed an update. With about 120 SCORMs to update before 1/1/2023, I could really use some help figuring out what I am doing wrong.
I am running the latest version of SL 360 (3.71.29339.0), have all SCORMs zipped from publishing, and all located in the same folder on my local network drive through OneDrive on my PC.
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
here is the link to the prior version of the website
the only changes was made since 2019
- remove the infos to Articulat Online on the website (last change December 14, 2021)
- no changes on "Storyline Updater"@articulate: you should add the info on the website that "Storyline Updater" is not supported anymore
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
the articulate updater for 360 updates only versions below 3.23 (December 2018)
please post the result of the case here in the forum
Hi Jürgen,
There is no notice regarding the end of support for Articulate Updater. The article referenced above was last updated in December of 2021, and I still see customers using the tool this year in some support cases. I agree with John regarding opening a case for issues with Articulate Updater, and we can take it from there.
Thank you!
- AndiMonikCommunity Member
Hello Eric,
I am posting here because it has been a few years, and there still hasn't been any communication or resolution to Case #03493584, which I submitted back on 1/4/2023 about this particular issue.
Do you know when they will release an updated version of Articulate Updater?
It's been many years since the application has been enhanced. With new JavaScript runtimes, Flash being discontinued, and IE support no longer a thing, I know some of our older SCORMs need to be updated to current browser compatibilities.
Or, if it has been updated since 2018, please provide me with what changes/enhancements were added. That technical information will assist us in troubleshooting our course issues.
OR... if it has been discontinued and is no longer supported, could you please let me know the best practice for updating over 200 SCORM courses without having to individually republish each one with the newest version of Storyline?
I believe Jürgen was also curious about this, but it's been a few years so I may be wrong.Hi AndiMonik,
Thanks for following up on this!
I checked your support case, #03493584, and see my teammate, Mick assisted you. Please let me know if you'd like us to forward that last email to you! The latest update to the Articulate Updater was made on February 6, 2019. You can reference the version history here. Please note that Articulate Updater updates your Storyline 360 courses to the player in build 3.23.17522.0. If your courses were published with a newer build of Storyline 360, Articulate Updater won't change those courses.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
but it's not updated since 2019
how the updater can update current versions?
there is a complete new javascript runtime since 2019
- JohnMorgan-c50cFormer Staff
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for updating us on your situation! It looks like the Articulate Updater is still supported. Here is an article that reiterates the steps Luciana mentioned above.
We would love to troubleshoot this for you! Would you be willing to open a private support case with our engineers?
- AndiMonikCommunity Member
It is hard to open a case for an application you do not even have listed as an option to select when creating a case.
A case has been submitted, though. As stated previously, I am running the most up-to-date version of the Updater (there have been no updates since 2019), so I do not understand why the application that used to work before suddenly does not.
I do hope someone can assist. I spent the three days republishing every prioritized course SCORM individually to make sure they were updated in time for 1/1/2023, but there is still quite a bit left to go that the Updater would help with.
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
I had to look into the ArticulateUpdater.exe
last update was february 2019
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
is the Aprticulate Updater really supported anymore ?
i have checked with the updater my harddisc and he found ONE zip (from 2018) to updateall newer outdated SCORM zips are not found/fixed
- AndiMonikCommunity Member
I was starting to wonder about that myself, Jürgen. All the SCORMs that I am trying to update are from Mid-2020 to recently, with a large majority last republished in December 2021. With the scan not recognizing a SINGLE zipped SCORM package needing updating, I feel like the Updater may be obsolete.
This is sad because the website claims it is still a tool we could use for Storyline 360.
Hello Andrea!
So sorry to hear you are having difficulty with publishing to your LMS with Articulate Updater. Thank you for sharing what you have tried thus far in order to troubleshoot.
First, I'd recommend that you have the most recent version of Articulate Updater downloaded to your computer.
Here are the steps:
- Download the latest version of Articulate Updater and save it on your computer.
- Right-click the installation file and choose Run as administrator.
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Articulate Updater requires Windows Vista SP2 or later and Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later.
Please let us know if this does the trick!
- AndiMonikCommunity Member
Thank you for writing back, Luciana. I ensured the most recent version of the Updater was installed before beginning the process. My PC is also running the most up-to-date version of Windows 10, and I have no firewall or anti-virus software issues blocking the app.
Do you have any other ideas that might help with this?