Forum Discussion
Character Limit in Rise Scenarios
Does anyone know if there is a plan to modify the 150 character limit in Scenarios in Rise? Or...I have to ask, does anyone know a way around it?
Using Scenarios is wonderful but 150 character max extremely limiting since scenarios are ideal for things like knowledge checks and scenario role plays.
This is really limiting my use of what could otherwise be a great tool.
- NikitaGoodwi275Community Member
- UlfBrissman-2a4Community Member
Hrmm... I noticed that one of our translated courses had 267 characters (which is a lot more than the 200 incl. blank spaces which seems to be the limitations otherwise). But when trying to update the text it would not accept more than 200. It seems like when importing a file for translation in XLIF format, the limitation of 200 characters is neglected - which is good. Only downside is that the text cannot be edited again...
Anyone else seen the same behaviour?
- SandraAria-501bCommunity Member
Hi, I have noticed it as well.
- BenjaminGroothoCommunity Member
- HelenZhangCommunity Member
It's been 5 years now. Still no change. I don't think Articulate listens to customers. Please expand the limit to at least 300!!
- SamanthaHindertCommunity Member
- YuriLopes-ab475Community Member
Yet another +4 year old forum post that is replied with nothing but "thanks for your suggestion".
I have exactly the same problems as everyone here, I translate my courses from English into French, Italian and German and it is physically impossible to say what we want to say with 150 characters in all languages.
I also see absolutely no reason whatsoever why the one bubble can be 200 but the other one only 150. At least give us the same space for all of the bubbles available?
Also, it couldn't be THAT much of a hassle to increase the characters to 250, it's 50 characters and I'm sure 90% of everyone in this thread's issues would be resolved by having 50 more characters.
It is really frustrating how Storyline is treated so nicely, specially lately with all the QoL improvements made in the tool over 2022 and 2023, and Rise is just sitting there gaining dust being useful for next to nothing because everything is so finnicky to use and we barely even have space for translations.
PLEASE look into this, the simplest fix of adding 50 characters would go a long way, and I doubt anyone who uses this tool values "look and feel" more than practicality. Doesn't matter how good anything looks if I can't do what I need to do with the tool.
- adamstefanskiCommunity Member
Plus one for main topic and the translation addition as well.
- Dominik1Community Member
+1 We are also translating our content into 19 languages, which makes the scenarios nearly impossible for us to use.
- TinaDean-6681e4Community Member
- YogeshDhami-d3fCommunity Member
IT has been 4 years, can we please bump up the limit to 250-300 characters. It is really frustrating to try and fit things in just 200 characters, a lot of important things get lost in compressing the words.