Forum Discussion
Continue Button Upon Quiz Completion in Rise
For some reason, I thought there was a feature where a Continue button would appear at the end of a Rise quiz to let the learner move to the next lesson of the course when the learner achieved a passing score if the next and previous buttons were turned off in the course. Is this not the case? I have tested it on preview and after publishing it, and a continue button does not appear if I pass the quiz.
Hi Matt!
Thanks for letting us know you want to add a block or a button to the bottom of the quiz results screen.
While there isn't a way to do that right now, you can direct learners by including a "What to Do Next" lesson after the quiz. Have a look at this example for inspiration!
- MattIllmanCommunity Member
Hi Alyssa,
After discussing this we are going to use this strategy and incorporate a button stack for navigation.
Thanks for the suggestion
Have a great day
- LaTeshaBourneCommunity Member
I've created a Branching course with a Quiz at the end. I've turned off the Side Bar and the Next and Continue Button and do not want the Lesson Number to appear in the Continue Bar when the quiz is not passed. Is there a way to do that so it still displays Continue (although they will be required to pass in order to do so)?
- CNavarroFormer Staff
Hi LaTesha, good news! We fixed the issue in Rise 360 where the lesson number will appear in the Continue button when navigation is turned off, lesson numbers are turned off and the quiz is set to require a passing score.
If the problem happens again, please share a Peek 360 screencast with us by clicking here, and we'll be happy to help!
Hi LaTesha,
Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention. I'm seeing the same problem on my side—instead of "Continue," the button shows a lesson number.
I'm going to bring this issue to my team for next steps. If I get an update, I'll pass it along to you!
- JaredSchaeff819Community Member
Hello ,
I am having the same issues as a lot of people here. I want to remove the prev/next buttons because of the Lesson numbers that do not match or make sense for our course. We do want to keep the sidebar as it is extremely helpful for our learners. With this said our learners as of now will need to use the menu to progress after completing a quiz, where they have been using the ease of placed continue buttons at the bottom of each piece of content. This really breaks the flow of the course for a learner and is not intuitive at all unless we teach them how to navigate for the quiz. It would be very beneficial for a continue button that is the exact same as what is in the rest of the content. If there is a feature request for this, please add my name.
My second qualm is if we do remove the sidebar and prev/next buttons as was suggested. Once again the continue button is completely different than what the learners have been using throughout the course i.e. the the course color rounded center aligned button and instead used the prev/next button style that I had removed and the learner has never seen before. This again is not intuitive for the learner and be confusing. Also this style button blends with the look of the quiz and typically needs to be scrolled down to instead of being prominent on the screen. If there is a feature request for this I would like my name added to it as well.I think both of these issues stated should be fixed as Rise is suppose to be the rapid development tool we go to that creates nice clean, consistent, and responsive courses. Which is broken by these two design flaws in my opinion.
- AndrewCarfax-FoCommunity Member
Seems like such a fundamental failure. Pretty frustrating.
I was trying to avoid next/previous numbering issue with continue buttons, which Quiz absolutely breaks. I suppose i could disable the menu and have students fly completely blind.A toggle switch to turn off the lesson numbering is all that is needed to avoid having to workaround like this.
Alternatively we might be better off just building in our LMS (canvas) with modules and pages
- AndrewCarfax-FoCommunity Member
Double Alternative is to enable next button, but still add continue button at the bottom of each lesson.
This way the next button will still be hidden at the bottom of each lesson. Next button will now show up on quizz, so a button is still user facing in generally the same location as continue.
Unfortunately the next numbering issue still exists and it is a different visual style of button and therefore inconsistent. I suppose you could think of it as the chapter close button style.
A way to hide the lesson number is now all that is needed.
A toggle exists for Lesson Count Labels. Another toggle needs to be added under Previous & Next Button settings
Hi Jared, thanks for your feedback. I can certainly add your name to the feature request for a continue button on the quiz results page that matches continue buttons in a lesson. It sounds like that would solve both of your needs.
- BenGilesCommunity Member
We’ve just moved from one of your competitor authoring tools because we got sick of tiresome workarounds which exist because of poor soft-dev choices.
Please. Rise quizzes need a content block at the end, in which one can add text and/or the usual large CONTINUE lozenge button.
- ArjanWeise-e6feCommunity Member
Totally agree!! Why all these workarounds and sub-optimal solutions. The possibility of adding a content block would make the course much more intuitive and consistent.
- SabeenaBaharCommunity Member
Hi, we would additionally find this option useful to have a "continue" block after completion of a quiz.
- MinervaRiosCommunity Member
Hi! I was able to set the continue after the quiz by selecting "No sidebar" and restricting the order the lessons have to be taken. But even when I want them to take the lessons in a particular order I also would like to provide the option to the employee to go back after the quiz to review the content of a specific lesson. I see that it is possible as some of the examples in other forums has the ability Ex.
Who would be the person to share the settings on how it is done in t his example?
Hello, Minerva! Here are the settings used in that course:
- Restricted navigation
- Sidebar menu: On
- Summary lesson after the quiz - this adds a "Next" button to the quiz results page
Let me know if that helps!
- JoanYork-ba235dCommunity Member
If it's not too late to chime in, I'd also like to be able to add a Continue bar after a quiz. The current navigation cue is difficult to see since it's all the way at the bottom. Also, because I use Continue bars throughout the course, and always at the end of a lesson, it makes navigation more consistent.