Forum Discussion

GuilhermeTeixei's avatar
Community Member
31 days ago

Correct Captions in Bulk - Replace


Question: Is there a way to update/fix captions in bulk, like using the Microsoft classic CTRL+F > Replace? 

Context: I am almost done with a large project in which I created the captions using the Text To Speech, but my text has lots of internal acronyms, which I had to type differently so the voice generator could pronounce them properly. 

Now, I have to fix that, adjust each of the acronyms so the captions are shown properly, but it seems like the only way to do it is if I go to each audio file (I have HUNDREDS!) and adjust the spelling in each and every one of them, separately, one are a time! It is so time consuming! 

I hope there is better way to do that! Help! 

Thank you.

  • Hi GuilhermeTeixei I haven't found a documented method for this, but I have found a good solution that I have used in the past.

    The pre-requisite for this task is to have access to software that allows you to perform Find and Replace across multiple files in a folder. I use VS Code.

    1. Make a copy of your Storyline file
    2. Make sure you really have made a copy of your Storyline file!!
    3. With the copy of your Storyline file, change the file extension from ".story" to ".zip"
    4. Now using WinRaR or similar, extract/unzip the archive to a folder.
    5. If you then navigate to "story\media" you will find all of your ".srt" files
    6. You can then open this folder in the software you are using for Find and Replace, in my case "VS Code". I then complete the find and replace across the files.
    7. Once done, you then need to zip the package back up, from this level (select all files, and zip):


    8. Once you have a zip file again, simply change the ".zip" extension back to ".story" and you should be good to go.
      • SamHill's avatar
        Super Hero

        It is GuilhermeTeixei. It would be a great improvement to prove F & R functionality for captions from within the Storyline environment.

    • KaneB's avatar
      Community Member

      I really do like this SamHill. Not many people realise you can edit the file extension of the .story file to zip and peak underhood! This is a good but dangerous* way to make these types of edits in the source file rather than to the zip after publication. 

      *Only if you mess it up!

  • I learned that my employer does not have an app for that purpose and I cannot download it... so, manually fixing it is my way to go, sadly. Thank you again, SamHill !

    • SamHill's avatar
      Super Hero

      Just in case the use of PowerShell is not restricted by your employer (clasping at straws here)