Forum Discussion
Custom Colours in Rise
Hi All,
Just wondering apart from adding just the one colour in the course theme settings, can you change any of those Accent colours?
As I go through a bild I have to keep on individualy imputing specific colours from backgrounds and fonts as I go. Its tedious. It would be nice that at least if you can only add on colour to the theme, that colours you commonly input would appear as a sort of last used, in the same way Storyline would.
It does not help at all, that even that one colour you are able to add, is not readily available for selection from the swatches that appear when you want to colour text.
When branding something to specific colours, you need a few colour options. Haveing the ability to adjust the accent pallet would be a great help.
- CaraParkerCommunity Member
PLEASE add this feature! It's CRUCIAL for branding and copyrights for many of us for our color schemes! Hoping since this thread was started 4 years ago, we will have progress soon. Maybe AI will do it for us? ;)
Hello CaraParker,
Thanks for reaching out! As mentioned in this thread, a Custom Color Palette feature is already on our roadmap. I appreciate you sharing how this enhancement will benefit you and your organization.
We'll update this discussion once this feature is available in Rise 360, and you'll be among the first to know. In the meantime, if you need help with anything else, please let me know. I'm happy to help.
- DianaBrandon-3fCommunity Member
I see this feature on the roadmap, but not a timeline. Requests go back 10 years. Any update on when this will happen?
Hi DianaBrandon-3f! Unfortunately, we don't have a public timeline to share yet. I know this is a much-anticipated feature in Rise 360, so when we have an update, I'll be sure to share it here!
- TimothyHartw092Community Member
This is desperately needed as a time saving feature.
- ElenaAbel-14387Community Member
Yes please! Hoping to see this soon.
- JillMcCune-f60bCommunity Member
Big +1 for this request!
- CormacCullen-3fCommunity Member
When the hell is this being added?! Still tediously adding custom colour each time. It's so damn frustrating.
This is especially infuriating in light of the recent increase in price for subscription, while the product hasn't improved to reflect this increase.
Articulate needs to get its act together.
- AndrewPapple-d4Community Member
Hey Cormac - this has been something I've been living with for over five years of Rise development and I share your frustration.
Not sure if you agree but maybe the roadmap that Articulate kindly publish (not many other vendors do!) would benefit from an anticipated release window column?
Custom Colour Palette - Set your favorite colors in theme settings, then quickly apply them anywhere custom color options are available - Rise 360 - Q3 2024
...or something similar?
Just a thought for the peeps at Articulate HQ to give us all an idea of when we can see new features, quality of life or otherwise.
- CormacCullen-3fCommunity Member
Thanks for chiming in on this Andrew. I totally agree - an anticipated time frame would be most handly so at that we know that it will be done be a certain date.
- AndrewPapple-d4Community Member
+1 for this too.
- MaribethCoyneCommunity Member
+1 one for this feature request!!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Aletta! I've added your voice to this report. We'll update this discussion if we have any news to share in the future.
Have a wonderful afternoon!
- AlettaBuehlerCommunity Member
Boosting this request. Love using rise and a custom colour palet would be super useful!