Forum Discussion

JoanYork-ba235d's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Designing a Rise course to track better in Canvas

I'm hoping one of you heroes can come up with a better solution to this than I did!  Thanks for taking a look at this.

The Problem 

I'm embedding Rise courses as "assignments" in Canvas modules and calling them "Learning activities".  Currently, they don't have any Rise quizzes in them, so when I export them, tracking is based on completion.  I use Canvas quizzes for the summative assessments.  We're having a problem though with Canvas not immediately recognizing when one of these SCORM "assignments" is completed.  Usually, if the student refreshes, it will recognize it then, but this is not ideal!   

My Solution

Canvas seems to recognize completion better when the Rise course includes a quiz and Rise export settings are based on a quiz result.  So I'm planning to use a Rise quiz, but call it "Are you ready to move on?" and not make it look like a quiz.  It's still a bit clunky though.  Here's a sample Rise course set up with this strategy:

  • Hi Joan! Thanks for posting your question here! I'm not all that familiar with Canvas, but it looks like the other community members have chimed in with some really helpful advice.

    I just wanted to share that in Rise 360, knowledge check blocks and quizzes allow you to gauge your learners’ knowledge, but only quizzes are scored and can report that score to your LMS. So that's probably why you're noticing knowledge checks aren't tracking in Canvas. Here's some more info about the differences and when to use each one. I hope that helps! 

  • JenObando's avatar
    Community Member

    I've been dealing with something similar, I think. I'm pretty new to Rise. I created a course to plug into Canvas. The Rise course has several Lessons, each with a knowledge check at the end that I had hoped would report scores to the Canvas grade book. However I haven't been able to get it to report the scores. I thought that maybe I had to break up the lessons to be their own standalone asset and upload each one into Canvas as a quiz/assignment but I feel that there has to be a better solution. Any advice?

    • JoanYork-ba235d's avatar
      Community Member

      As far as I know, Canvas won't track Rise knowledge checks, only quizzes or "completion".  I've been exporting my Rise courses to track based on completion, importing them as a graded assignments, then setting the Canvas module requirements to "Score at least".  

      I did learn a new trick that might help you.  I took Cody's advice above and tested all of the different Rise LMS export options.  I'd been using SCORM 1.2, v. 4, but in the test, the xAPI tracked better in Canvas.  So that's how I plan to export them in the future.   

  • We add Rise courses to Canvas as SCORM assignments and set them to open in a new window with the Exit Course link enabled.  We include instructions in Canvas letting students know they must click "Exit Course" to earn credit for completion, and we also have a Rise block that we add to the end of every course that reminds them to do so.  This seems to be working well as we haven't heard otherwise from students or instructors. Our Rise export settings are as follows:

    • Export Type:  LMS
    • LMS:  SCORM 1.2
    • Tracking:  Using course completion
    • Reporting:  Passed/Incomplete
    • Exit Course Link:  On

    Hope this helps!  😊

    • JoanYork-ba235d's avatar
      Community Member

      Interesting.  I guess the Exit Course button triggers something.  I haven't been using it because in the context of my Canvas courses, I call the Rise courses "learning activities". I guess I could always change the label on the button to "Next" or something like that.  Thanks! 

  • If you have not done so, try testing using different export types (SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, xAPI, cmi5). It might be that the file type does not play well with Canvas. A different type might get you better results. 

    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      On Canvas Scorm 2004 works best. Whether you use Rise or Storyline.

      • JoanYork-ba235d's avatar
        Community Member

        When I tested them all at Cody's suggestion 3 years ago, I identified xAPI as the best option. It has been working well since then, other than a few blips, like last August, when Canvas updated something that caused it not to track.  I have to have it track module requirements because I use Canvas Catalog and that's how it determines course completion.  Math, did you have problems with SCORM 2004 in August? 

  • We use Storyline courses on Instructure's Canvas. When using Scorm2004 we nicely get scores and completion reported.We abandonded Rise due to the fact that the added navigation in Rise makes it overkill in Canvas modules ( and some other deficits ).