Forum Discussion
Disable the Foward Audio Option on Rise
When we add the "Continue" button I select the option "Complete All Blocks Above" unfortunately the audio can still be skipped by the user is there a way to make the user listen to the complete audio and not allowing them to forward the audio. We have that option on Storyline.
- claudiarizze768Community Member
Hi! I wanted to add some thoughts on the proposed solutions.
- Using Storyline blocks: unfortunately, this isn’t a practical option because the block proportions create too much empty space around the player. This affects the design and layout, making it an impractical workaround.
- Applying CSS to hide the cursor: while this prevents skipping, it also stops users from managing playback once they’ve already listened to the audio. This isn’t a great user experience, as learners should still be able to pause, rewind, or replay the audio if needed.
- Embedding audio in a video: this is the only way to truly prevent skipping right now, but it comes with major downsides, larger file sizes and a worse experience for learners.
At this point, the audio block becomes almost useless if there's no way to prevent skipping.
Yet, this feature is essential for many learning experiences where listening to the full audio is necessary.Is there any plan to introduce an option to disable audio skipping?
- Judy-AnneStantoCommunity Member
- EQUANSGMAOCommunity Member
hi! Any chance you could share your printscreen again? It's not working for me :( I am trying to figure out where to add and I would really appreciate any help you could offer! Thanks!
- KennethMinni403Community Member
It's actually quite easy to disable audio skipping in Rise, but you can only do it after publishing by editing the index.html file (or, if you're publishing for web, you'd edit the story.html file).
Simply add the following CSS to the index.html file, within the style section:
.audio-player__tracker {
cursor: none;
pointer-events: none;
That will allow users to play the audio using the play button, but it will completely disable their ability to click on the seekbar.
- MattHumphrie684Community Member
Hey there! This is the first comment I've seen that actually proposed a real solution to this problem, so I'd love to get your help if possible. Hopefully you see this as your comment is already over a year old 😅
I tried doing what you suggested, but after uploading the SCORM file to my LMS and previewing the Rise course, the edit I made to the HTML file prior to uploading didn't seem to work. See attached screenshot for where I placed it in the html code.
A few notes:
a) I wasn't certain whether it should be placed near the top or bottom of the body
b) The indentation of the code may be off, as I'm on my work laptop and only have access to Notepad rather than Notepad++, meaning when I indented the code it didn't exactly align with the code above
c) I mimicked the single-line appearance of the code within the HTML file rather than having the code appear on separate lines as in your original comment - unsure if this negatively affected things
Would really appreciate any input you or someone else reading this might be able to offer - thanks!
- SaraSpivyCommunity Member
So there's no way to just disable forward seeking on audio in Rise? You don't make Mac software for Storyline so there's really just no answer here?
Hey Daniela,
Just a note that replying via email includes your signature with contact information in the public forum. Feel free to edit your reply here!
Hi Daniela!
Thanks for letting us know you need an option to disable forward seeking in a Multimedia Audio block.
While that's not currently a feature in Rise 360, you could always build the audio interaction in Storyline, then embed it using a Storyline Block. You can even require learners to complete the audio in the Storyline block before moving forward.
Let me know if that alternative would work for you!
- EQUANSGMAOCommunity Member
Hi! Any news for this feature? Thanks
- DanielaAravena-Community Member
Thank you for your response
Hopefully, you can add this feature in future updates
Thank you,