Forum Discussion
Duplicated Questions from Question Banks in Rise
In rise, I have 10 question banks, each with 10-15 questions. I want to randomly draw 5 questions from each bank into one- 50 question assessment I'm building, however it is pulling in the same questions over and over again.
Is there a fix or work-around for this? It seems like it would be able to recognize a question having already been pulled and exclude it from the remaining bank.
- Amanda-GunningCommunity Member
I think I am experiencing the same issue here in Rise. I have set up a series of question banks and am using the quiz to pull random questions from the banks. Each bank has about 4-5 questions in it and I am pulling 2 questions out. I went through the quiz and got the same question twice from one of the banks which had 5 questions in it. Obviously I don't want users to have the same question twice. It is set up in banks as we want to test certain objectives by asking a couple of questions about each. Creating good questions is not easy for some subjects so I don't want to create a load more questions just to stop the probability of a question coming up twice. I feel like there should be a rule built into the banks to stop this happening. e.g. random question presented that has not already been presented in this draw. Is there a fix for this?
Hi Amanda-Gunning!
Happy to help with this!
Have you duplicated any of the Question Banks? If so, Rise 360 doesn't have the functionality to recognize which questions were already answered from a previous/separate Question Bank. In that case, if you want to eliminate the possibility of duplicated questions appearing, we recommend using different questions in each bank.
However, if all of the Question Banks have unique questions, and you're seeing duplicated questions, please connect with our team through a support case. They'd be happy to continue troubleshooting with you!
- Amanda-GunningCommunity Member
Hi there Thanks for your response and the offer to troubleshoot. I had 5 banks drawing two questions from each bank. I've had to do a workaround which is create 10 banks and only draw one question from each in order to stop this from happening. It's a bit of a pain and I would rather a fix or some kind of warning message appearing to tell you about this in the software and any help guides. It's another thing that you don't realise happens until you've been using the software for a while. Then you have an issue of going back to correct all the other modules you've already made this way which will have the same problem.
- KristineLega073Community Member
Walked me through the answer, Karl - figured it out, thanks!
- KristineLega073Community Member
Hey Karl, I am working on a single Knowledge Check block in a Lesson. I've inserted the "Draw from Question Bank" block.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
A Knowledge Check block in a Lesson limits you to a single random question.
- KristineLega073Community Member
Hello, adding a related query here instead of starting a new thread. When I insert my question bank, the option to select the number of questions in a draw isn't showing. Is there a setting I am just missing? Please see screenshot below
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Are you working with a single Knowledge Check block in a Lesson, or in a Quiz with multiple questions?
Hi there, Charlie! Are you doing a total of 10 draws or 50 draws? You'll want to go with 10 draws. You can choose to select 5 random questions for each draw from the respective bank. That way, Rise won't present the same question from a question bank.
In this example screenshot, I'm pulling 3 questions out of my 5 question bank. That will show as one draw for you, but 3 questions for the learners.
If you do 5 separate draws for each bank, you'll run the risk of repeat questions. If that's not what's happening, we'd love to have a closer look. You can click here to start a case and share your content with us!