Going back to the last saved position of a slider
Hello to all
I'm sorry in advance if this question has already been asked, but I've searched in the forum without success.
In my project, the idea is to describe a process. So I chose to use a slider. I created a base layer A with a slider that lets you navigate through several layers representing the stages of the process (A1, A2, etc). On these layers, there are buttons that take you to other base layers (B, C, etc).
Here's an example to help you understand my problem:
- I'm on layer A2, my slider is on position 2, I click on a button which takes me to base layer B.
- I'm now on base layer B. I click on a button which takes me back to the base layer A. And here is the problem: the slider indicates that I've stopped at position 2, but the layer shown is that of position 1. I'd like the learner to be able to see on the screen the step he's stopped at when he returns to the base layer A (cursor in the right position + layer corresponding to the cursor position).
Thank you in advance for your help!
Thank you so much Judy, my problem is solved!