Forum Discussion
Knowledge check problem
My client wants to force the students to answer a multiple choice/multiple response question correctly at the end of every lesson with a knowledge check. He wants them to be able to continue to the next lesson ONLY after the correct answer has been given.
I haven't been able to figure out how to set this parameter. If I insert a Divider "Continue" button directly after the knowledge check, I can only set it so that the knowledge check has to be answered, but even if the answer is incorrect, the students are automatically allowed to continue. This way they can just click randomly without thinking.
Do I really have to insert a quiz with only one question between every lesson in order to get this functionality? My client thinks that sounds clunky and I agree. How would you go about this, is there some other way?
Hello everyone, 🎉
I'm happy to let you know we released a new update for Rise 360, adding the new feature below:
- Knowledge check blocks can be added directly to question banks, have their content width and answer colors modified, be required for training progress, and have a set number of retries.
There's nothing to install for web apps. New features and fixes are immediately available, though you might need to export your Rise 360 course again.
Let me know if you have any questions about this update!
- MarcelMilohnicCommunity Member
please add this issue as an improvement request.
- SuzianaAhmedShuCommunity Member
Not only that, for Storyline 360 we also found issues with users using Dragon.
- SuzianaAhmedShuCommunity Member
Not only that I have to switch off the menu too!
An aria-label has been incorrectly associated with a parent <div> element. The aria-label
attribute can be used to define the accessible name of some semantic elements, and
particularly, user interface controls. Non-semantic elements which are ignored by assistive
technology should not be assigned an aria-label as they do not a require an accessible name. - SuzianaAhmedShuCommunity Member
We have our accessibility report back stating that Rise 360 knowledge check block has issues:
"I discovered while taking the quiz, the various checkboxes do not possess a clear legend for
those wishing to navigate out of context. Instead, the checkboxes are contained within a list
with no legend accessible out of context, therefore if someone were wishing to traverse the
page quickly, they would not be able to do so as they would need to revert to navigating in
context to be able to access the question being asked. I would prefer to find a clear fieldset
and legend surrounding the checkboxes, allowing users wishing to navigate out of context to
be able to do so without needing to switch navigational methods and ensuring they are
equipped with exactly the same ability to understand the question both in and out of
context.” - MarieLowryCommunity Member
Desperately need this feature.
- MV-7a0e61b0-893Community Member
Is there any news? I'm having the same problem. An update would be great.
- hazelBStaff
Thanks for your interest, M V! No news on this yet. We'll make sure to update this thread if we make any changes that will help!
Thanks for the idea, Mr. C! I'll let our team know about your feature request!
- GC1Community Member
Would it be possible to add this issue as an improvement request.
It would be great to have a condition/option on the continue block that requires the learner to get a knowledge check correct before the continue block becomes accessible.
Hi Jenna! If you want to be sure learners answer the question correctly, a Storyline Block is your best bet. However, you don't need a results slide!
Here's how I would set it up:
- Create a single quiz slide in Storyline (no results slide).
- On the Correct layer of the Storyline slide, add this trigger: Complete course when the timeline starts on this layer.
- Publish your Storyline slide to Review 360, choose Track using complete course trigger.
- Add the updated Storyline block to your Rise 360 lesson.
Add a continue block after the Storyline block. Be sure to set the Completion Type to require learners to Complete the block(s) above the continue block.
Let me know if that works for you!
- LeaSAgatoStaff
Hi there! The continue button will activate when a learner completes the knowledge check block, whether or not their answer is correct. You can try to create your knowledge check in Storyline and add that as a Storyline block in your course. You can then use a continue block to prevent your learner from moving forward until they answer the Storyline knowledge check question correctly. This article explains the steps in detail.
I hope this helps!
- JennaOppermanCommunity Member
Hello, Lea. I'm having the same issue. I'm not very familiar with Storyline, but in the research I did today it seems that whenever I want to mandate that the learner gets the knowledge check correct before moving on, I must do the following: 1) create each knowledge check question as an individual "quiz" slide, 2) add a "results" slide at the end of the question slides, 3) export the complete "scene" to Review, 4) add the Storyline block into the Rise course, and 5) add a "continue" button.
Am I understanding correctly that a quiz slide alone in Storyline can't mandate a correct answer but has to be paired with a results slide? Is making it mandatory that the learner get a knowledge check question correct before moving on be a feature Articulate could add to Rise? Thanks.