Forum Discussion
Labeled Graphic Size and Quality
I'm using a screenshot of a menu as a labeled graphic. The image is 366x478. Even on a monitor set to display 1080p, it's a decent size, legible and would be fine in a web browser.
The problem I am having, however is that when i insert it as a labeled graphic and set the image width to "small" it blows the image up to about 760x980 and it looks awful. I've tried adjusting the compression on the image, changing the dpi and several other things but no matter what, Rise just butchers it and makes it not presentable.
Is there any way to control the size the image displays at other than "small," "medium," and "Full width" (Don't even get me started on what Full Width does to images....)
I get that Rise is mean to be responsive but it should not prioritize responsiveness over quality.
- LaRueMartinCommunity Member
Seven years later, and this is still happening? Sorry, but a "bug" that lasts 7 years is no longer a bug but a major defect. Why can't this be resolved? It makes an otherwise pretty course look amateurish and clunky... 😕
- SamWhite-b98448Community Member
This seems like it should be pretty basic functionality to be able to resize the labeled graphics in Rise? I don't feel very confident that we will ever see a resolution to this bug, since from my understanding, the Rise team has known of it for about seven years now??? That's crazy.
- RichardLlewe382Community Member
While I understand the 16:9 requirements, that makes the display on mobile look ridiculous for the image I'm using.
I can either have it display well for mobile but then too big for desktop or fine on desktop and a tiny centred image on mobile.
Could we not have some functionality to add 2 images: one for desktop and one for mobile? - RyanCombs-79e36Community Member
Five years later and I am struggling with the same issue. This really should be fixed!
- MelissaHancock-Community Member
Any updates on this issue? My learners are having a hard time having to scroll to see the entire labeled graphic.
- JessicaBaccaCommunity Member
Of course not. I just had to install a border around the picture and then it seemed to work enough for my purposes. They don't seem to want to fix issues multiple people have complained about over the years.
Jessica Bacca
eSchool Math Resource Teacher
Pathfinder School of Innovation
- MelissaHancock-Community Member
It is ridiculous that this and many other issues never get resolved! Another HUGE one is the ability to save custom colors instead of having to type in the Hex # each time.
- ChristopherA538Community Member
Thank you, Karl! That worked
- ChristopherA538Community Member
4 years later, this still exists. I don't understand why the image is the perfect size when I'm editing the Labeled Graphic in Rise, but within the course itself it's blown up by 2 or 3 times and takes up more than one full screen for no reason.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Christopher,
Add white space to your image to get it to a 16:9 aspect ratio.
- DanaHill-88a7e8Community Member
Well I am going to join this discussion 4 YEARS LATER after dealing with this infuriating issue and wasting multiple hours to find a work around.
Articulate, you should not be ignoring an issue 4 years old! It took me hours of digging to find this thread and work around for something you still haven’t fixed in 4 years!
- ChristineServa-Community Member
Has this issue with the small labeled graphic images being scaled up been fixed? I'm encountering an issue with this and wonder if it's due to the bug.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Chris,
Ensuring that your image has a 16:9 aspect ratio is the key.
- joelcolley-0df1Community Member
Hi all, thanks for this and for those who posted solutions re aspect ratio (16:9) + image size "small" to fix the issue. I spent hours on this one before coming here and fixing the problem quickly.
I'm glad to hear the solutions/workarounds in this post helped you with your project, Joel!