Forum Discussion
List of ID and E-Learning Consultants/Freelancers
I regularly get requests from various people with contract opportunities asking me to point them to a list of e-learning or instructional design freelancers.
If you're a freelancer or consultant please leave a comment below with your name, location, link to your website or portfolio, and a brief description of your skills/abilities.
When people ask for a list of freelancers or consultants in the future I'll point them to this thread.
- JackieVanNiceSuper Hero
Great idea, Nicole!
I'm an independent instructional designer who acts as a vendor to large organizations. I'm a one-stop shop and do all design and development work. My site, contact info, and oodles of work samples are at (You should come visit!)
- PennyMayhew-b06Community Member
I love your website Jackie! You've used some brilliant visuals and fun concepts. Great work!
- JackieVanNiceSuper Hero
Thank you so much, Penny! I really appreciate it. It includes a lot of fun pieces I got to do for the community challenges. I'm so grateful for them. :)
- LisaSloaneCommunity Member
I've reached out to you a couple of times on linked in and never heard back. Disappointing.
- NancyConnellCommunity Member
We recently contracted work to several designers in the e-learning portfolio discussion.
Previewing the portfolios really helped us make our decision. We were more than satisfied with everyone's workk.
I love this community!
- DanSweigertCommunity Member
That's great Nancy. I've found the forums and elearning challenges to be great venues for meeting and communication with potential clients and colleagues. Here's my blog post starting from the portfolio page:
- NandiniNKCommunity Member
Wonderful idea Nicole.
I am a Freelance Articulate Storyline developer with expertise in Graphic Design. My work samples and portfolio can be found at my linkedin profile.
- JacquelynThorpCommunity Member
I would love to talk about what you do. We are a small training company. I have been building my online training classes in Articulate 2013 and am really struggling with 360. I have a business to run and so I am thinking I need professional help to either build the courses, show me how to build the courses, show someone on my staff or a combination of all 3.
- Rishi-ThakurCommunity Member
Hi Jacquelyn,
Thank you for contacting.
I am ready to take your assignment.
Please revert with more details.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
Great I dea Nicole,
I am an Instructional Designer and Developer working through my company Elearning Laboratory. My portfolio and contact details can be senate my website. I work with both large international companies, and much smaller companies. Irrespective of budget all solutions that are developed are bespoke and designed to meet the clients individual needs. Have a look at the site and get in touch to discuss your needs.
- RichardSharp399Community Member
I'm an independent instructional designer and elearning developer based in the North of England. I work with providers of commercial training, colleges and apprenticeship training providers. I tend to work in Storyline 2. Happy to help you kick-start your elearning and upskill your internal team along the way. More info at
- RichardWatsonSuper Hero
Thanks for creating the thread! I'm an independent e-learning/instructional designer and a Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP). I have also been an Expert Reviewer for the Association for Talent Development’s Excellence in Practice Awards which recognizes results achieved through the use of practices and solutions from the entire scope of workplace learning and development.
You can find more information about me here:
Storyline Challenges portfolio:
Client portfolio:
My resume:
If you are just starting out as an e-Learning freelancer, check out my website for FAQs and free resources:
- ChrisPerez-f9f6Community Member
Chris Perez
My site with work examples:
I'm fluent in the Articulate Suite of products as well as graphic design work, digital photography, and can do video/audio production.
Thanks, Nicole!
- Jerson-CamposCommunity Member
Jerson Campos,
Phoenix, AZ
Fluent in Storyline 1 & 2, Captivate, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash (Animation mostly), HTML, and CSS.
I have been in the training industry for 8 years and have a strong knowledge of graphic design principles.
- JanineSajdak-e8Community Member
I'm in the Milwaukee, WI area.
View my website with portfolio
View my LinkedIn profileI have over 10 years of experience in eLearning Design.