Forum Discussion
Moving a story file
I created the majority of a module using the 30-day trial version of Storyline, and I have five days left on the trial. My client has since purchased Storyline and sent it to me on a laptop that they would like me to use to develop the rest of the course.
I tried moving the course to the new computer by copying the STORY file up to dropbox and then downloading it. When I opened it on the new computer, there were quite a few problems with the file, especially with the fonts. I had created the course using some purchased templates that I then modified to create the look and feel we wanted, and in many cases the font sizes and other characteristics seemed to have reverted to the original formatting.
I'm guessing it's possible that some of this may have been an issue of not moving the templates along with the STORY file, but are there other issues that come when files get moved. Is there some step for moving them that I missed? I can't find anything when I search the Articulate site using a "move story files" search.
In Studio, there was some way of packaging the files before sending them to someone that got around the strange things that happened when transferring files. I don't remember if that was something from Articulate or a plug-in I found.
Thanks for any help! I'm in crunch mode to deliver this first module in a few days and having trouble with the computer I'm working on, so I'd really like to be able to move this project to the new computer ASAP, but I don't want to have to reformat all of the content on 40+ pages.
I was working locally in the My Articulate Projects folder. It's Windows 7 in Parallels on a Mac, but it's a virtual machine, and I can't imagine that Articulate thinks it's anything other than a regular Windows 7 computer.
- MikeTaylorSuper Hero
Hi Martha! The fonts don't travel along with the Storyline file. If you can install the same fonts you used originally things should look a lot better. Even the Articulate Package option from Studio would still have this same issue if the same fonts are not on both computers.
Hi Martha,
You should be able to share the .story file via Dropbox without a problem, but if there were specific fonts that you purchased or downloaded, those may not display if not install on the other computer (they'd be embedded in a published version of the Storyline ).
You'll want to make sure that you take the .story file and any .storytemplate files and move them onto the new computer.
- MarthaHalesCommunity Member
The fonts that are going screwy are the Articulate fonts. I did have a Google font I was using, but it was fine after I realized that I needed to install that font on the new computer.
After posting this, I found an older thread where the person appears to have had a similar problem to mine, and one of the solutions that they gave her was to delete the Articulate fonts and then repair Storyline by reinstalling. I've gotten as far as deleting the fonts, but then I realized that I didn't have the product key, since the laptop was sent to me with it installed, so I've been waiting to get that information and continuing to edit on my current machine while holding my breath that it doesn't crash.
I'm curious about why my file has problems when other people aren't having any. Maybe they aren't using the Articulate fonts.
Thanks Martha for the update - please keep us posted on if that solves your issue.
- MarthaHalesCommunity Member
I will definitely let you know what happens, but it probably won't be until later in the week. Right now, I'm working against a big deadline where I need to deliver the first draft by tomorrow morning, and I've already lost several hours due to this problem, so as long as my computer is working, I'll use it to finish up the draft and worry about the rest later.
Understood Martha! Thanks for the update
- RuthSasakiCommunity Member
I've had similar problems when moving the Story project file to a different computer, or when collaborating with a colleague who is going to work on a different phase of the project. Aside from fonts, I've had audio files suddenly disappear after I have imported them into the project file. Can anyone advise on how to transfer Story project files to avoid these issues? Thanks!
Hi Ruth and welcome to Heroes!
You'll want to follow the method outlined here for a collaborative work flow.
- RuthSasakiCommunity Member
Hi Ashley, thanks for the link to the suggested collaborative work flow. I'm not sure how that process involves collaboration with other people, however, with other computers. It seems to require that the same computer be used to edit or re publish project files. We work on some huge projects, and different people will be working on different phases of production: after the module is built, a different person will be importing and syncing the audio, for example. Any help there?
Hi Ruth,
Different computers, all accessing the same files from the network drive, it'll be important for each person to download or copy it from the network and then work off the local drive. If you're all going to be working on separate parts of a file, you may want to divide it up so that there are not any version-ing issues where another user may overwrite your changes when placing the file back on the network drive.