Forum Discussion
MP4 video not playing in published file on online platform
We have a course that has a 7-second video, but when we attempt to publish it to the online platform (Pelesys), it will not work
For understanding:
- Course plays through
- Video is on the next slide, but when you click "next", 3 dots will appear for loading but will stay there.
- Tried updating Articulate, but that didn't work
Is there a simple solution?
You may want to consider making this change in your publish quality settings - Switch from Adaptive to Static
- RonPricePartner
You may want to consider making this change in your publish quality settings - Switch from Adaptive to Static
- KristaJesticanCommunity Member
That did the trick. Thank you SO much.
- RonPricePartner
Is this a story or a video file you can share?
- KristaJesticanCommunity Member
I can for sure. It's slide 2.16. Hope I did this right. First time reaching out to this community.
- KristaJesticanCommunity Member
I'm having the same issue. Course plays perfect in review 360. Once uploaded to Pelesys to be published, slides play fine in preview until the slide with the video. Won't play the slide with the video, just keep getting the 3 white dots. Not sure how to proceed.
- RonPricePartner
Does this video play when you preview the course or publish for Web or Review 360?