Forum Discussion
New in Storyline 360: Check out the New Modern Player in Storyline 360
Hey folks! Recently we released a beautiful new modern player for Articulate Storyline 360. The player is the frame around your slides and it can include features like navigation buttons, the course menu, resources, a glossary, and more. The new modern player is sleek and beautiful, and best of all, it gives your learners the same experience across all devices.
The modern player scales to fill a learner’s browser on every device and the player controls melt into the background to maximize screen real estate. This makes sure your content is always the star of the show.
The modern player is available in a light or dark color theme, with the option to pick a custom accent color. You can also adjust the font and the navigation button styles—and you can choose to display or hide menus and controls just like you could with the classic player.
Watch the quick video below for an overview, then follow along with this helpful tutorial to start working with the modern player in Storyline 360.
- PhilippeDonzeCommunity Member
Are you sure Articulate guys are working to deliver a tool to create online pedagogy? E-learning is firstly "pedagogy", and not graphic design.
Therefore, just in term of comfort of reading, have you ever read a book with white letters on a black background, or how many website use white letters and black background?
How experts in online pedagogy can promote or design a player with a dark background and white letters, while it's not advised everywhere, just taking account of reading comfort reason?
Could you send me the link where scientific researches have proven that dark background and whiter letters are useful for online pedagogy?
Please find here links that say the opposite (among billions of other links):
E-learning designers are struggling to keep our learners online until the end of the module, and Articulate is designing players that will make learners want to end up the course asap.
Really, I don't understand.
(and please don't reply "but your slide can still be black letter on white")
- PhilippeDonzeCommunity Member
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
The modern player has two themes one is a light theme, that said the modern player does not change the slide content.
- PhilippeDonzeCommunity Member
E-learning is not only about content, it's about pedagogy and online cognitive learning, and therefore efficiency of the module. Cognitive online learning goes through a few tips that make e-learning design pretty rational, and black background and white letters doesn't improve online learning, but rather impair it.
But I am still waiting for the evidences you base your design choice.- SarahBennettCommunity Member
Phillipe, popular e-readers like the Kindle have the option to read black text on a white background or white text on a black background. Windows also has the option to have a light or dark frame on Windows10. At the end of the day this is nothing new and since the frame only applies to the area outside the main window then it is for minimal reading content anyway. I really like the look of it and it does look modern and in line with current sites like Amazon - white main page with black frame. I suggest you do some research. It is an OPTION at the end of the day. I really like it so each to their own.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
Sorry I am confused here, your post talks about white text on black, I just wanted to let you know there is also a light theme with black text on white background.
The player is only the frame surrounding the content, the great thing about the modern player is that it is designed to get out of the way and allow the content to come to the forefront.
Also the Player allows for a contrast between your content and the frame itself and direct the viewer to the content rather than the surrounding frame.
I believe the aim of the player is to be more generic more like a video player.
- PhilippeDonzeCommunity Member
The player contain the title of the module, the menu and other elements.
The menu is seen during all the module.
I really think that if it's well acknowledged that white on black impair learning, therefore it should be avoided in any ways, and especially in the player, because it's what you keep in front of your eyes for the duration of the module.
An other reason, is that white on black writing create retinal persistences, and especially online because a screen is a source of light, but not a book.
Studies just says "better to not use white on black for online learning", so why it becomes one of the default player of Storyline?
- AlexTaimuriCommunity Member
For me, typography and writing style are very important. I never use white text on a dark background for large blocks of text. That said, a menu is not really "reading," but more skimming and scanning. Also, if your course background is light, a dark player can help your learners to focus attention on the content i.e. the content doesn't bleed into the player. The two are segregated by the higher contrast.
- PhilippeDonzeCommunity Member
and if the content isn't impacted by the black background of the player, many of the templates of Storyline propose a black background for the content of the slides, which doesn't support online learning, and it's proved that it impair it.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
The modern player has two options white on black and black on white, I don't see it as an issue. You have a choice.
The menu can be collapsed and the modern player is designed to move out the way and remove any distractions, I think this is an improvement.
This is a professional looking player.
- PhilippeDonzeCommunity Member
:) you don't take account of any my arguments. They are based on researches about online learning.
The only thing I want to say to Storyline deciders: Black backgrounds impair online learning, and we can find them in the Storyline player and in many Storyline templates.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
I haven't ignored them, but because there is a black on white option I think it is a non-argument.
- PhilippeDonzeCommunity Member
thanks to admit