Forum Discussion

Thom392's avatar
Community Member
29 days ago

New Matching lay-out

Last week we received the updated lay-out of the matching knowledge check. The moment I discovered it was a bit unlucky (during a presentation, got me a bit confused) but today I had some time to look into it. 

The changelog as following on the articulate website:

Enhanced: Matching knowledge check blocks have been upgraded with intuitive navigation, full keyboard support, and comprehensive screen reader integration.

Now, I think it's great that Articulate is improving it's software's accessibility, however, I don't see anything intuitive about the new design. A lot of new things have been added which for me only make the assignment more confusing. On the left side the hamburger icon and number suggest some sort of clickability, which is not there. The drop downs on the right give the assignment a new layer of intractability which only wouldn't want for the student. Overall the lay-out is a lot less clean and drains focus away from the content towards the design. 

Maybe a simple solution would be to add a slider which let's us choose between this lay-out and the previous one (or this one without the rings and bells).

That's just my opinion, I was wondering what other think of the new lay-out!