Forum Discussion
Numeric variables - issues with tied results
I'm creating an eLearning module that starts with a bit of a self-check on your conflict management style, before you can start learning more about conflict management. I've tried it in many different ways, so the current version is very stripped back and basic to help me navigate the issues I've been having with button sets resetting variables, etc.
The current issue I'm having now though, is that it's all good if you have a clear winner of the variables - that shows up well on the results slide. However if it's a tied result, then I cannot work out a trigger that won't pick up any tied result, including at the bottom, not just at the top. So the attachment I've included doesn't have any triggers for showing a tied result - hopefully someone can help?!
- NedimCommunity Member
Have you tried this trigger?
- SeanDunne-24829Community Member
Thanks Nedim, I'm sorry I wasn't very clear in my original message, the main issue I'm having is how to come up with a trigger for if there's a tie between two (or three, or four) of them, without creating tonnes of triggers and overcomplicating things further... e.g. "Show layer Tie when the timeline starts on this slide if A= variable B and if A= variable C". It's simpler when it's a 5 way tie, but it creates so many streams of triggers when there's ties of 2/3/4... Does that make more sense?
- NedimCommunity Member
That makes sense, but it also complicates determining which trigger should take precedence when multiple conditions are met simultaneously. For example, if A = 7, B = 2, C = 2, D = 2, and E = 2, which layer should be shown: the "Tie" layer or layer "A"? In this case, B, C, and D all have the same value, with B = C and D = C, etc.