Forum Discussion
Numerically (px/%) configure corner radius on rounded corner shapes
Hello Storyline staff. Can you let me know if it is in the development pipeline to be able to configure the radius of corners on a rounded corner shape, so that we can set them more accurately, rather than having to use guides to do so.
It's a PIA to have to configure these using your eye and guides, especially when wanting to make UI elements consistent throughout a project.
If I receive a design, with a shape with a 20px radius corner on the shape, I have to drop that graphic into Storyline, place my shape over the top, so that I can line up the corner radius.
Imagine if I was able to look at the shapes properties and define the radius.
Also, while we're on it. If I've then defined my corner radius, once I start to resize that shape, the corner radius decides to change, so I have to configure again for each shape size. This is awful when trying to establish a project style, only for it to be easily broken once a shape is resized.
- Jason_CraftCommunity Member
Adding a vote for this feature. Shocked it's not possible at this point, such a basic request, and people seem to be consistently begging for it...
- HVfb0f498d-053bCommunity Member
PowerPoint doesn't allow you to numerically set rounded corners either. But at least if you copy a vector into PowerPoint from Adobe Illustrator you can edit the points. In Storyline it just imports in as a poor quality emf image not a svg.
- SamHillSuper Hero
If anybody is interested in having a play with this, it might be useful for standardising border radius on elements within Storyline. This was an experiment just to see if it was possible to do. It is a run time solution. The most significant issue to overcome is targeting. Currently, we don't have a way of adding a "class" to elements on the slide so that we can target an individual element or group of elements with JavaScript.
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Using classnames as Selector instead of acc-name | Articulate - Community
Showing here how you can add classes to any element in your Storyline.
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
You can add a class by using javascript.
- SamHillSuper Hero
Yeah, I just meant without JS, in terms of adding a class to an element so you can target the element with JS.
- RussLickteigCommunity Member
PLEASE add this feature! By the way I just Googled how to do this and even AI THINKS we can. Apparently AI doesn't know everything. My two cents when SL gets around to this is we need a "Global" checkbox and the option for setting individual radius.
- MarkMarinoCommunity Member
I'm pretty sure we'll all be retired before Articulate catches up with feature requests that have IRL benefits as they chase the AI dragon. And apparently, we need to be very wary of what AI is telling us Storyline can actually do... like you I was googling for how to add a trigger when the mouse leaves a hotspot (not loses focus, just rolls out of) and AI thinks that's a feature too...
- RussLickteigCommunity Member
Wow...that's worse than my AI find. I just find it hard to believe from a company that is so responsive when asking for help to fix an issue that they can be asked for more than ten years by a lot of people for this feature and still nothing.
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
Maybe if they can raise their price, or get new customers with a 'feature' like this, they will add it 😀
- ID4WiscStateCommunity Member
Maybe ai can do it? 🙄
- KenziLowryCommunity Member
We need the ability to be consistent!! Adding my vote. Thanks!
- SarahBroad-44a8Community Member
I just spent about an hour and half just trying to get 4 shapes consisent on their corner radius. Please add my vote for this request.
- MarkMarinoCommunity Member
Unfathomable that this is STILL an unimplemented feature request after 10 years. Just add it to the list of hundreds of decades old feature requests that Articulate apparently doesn't feel any need to add to the product. ADD THIS FEATURE!!!!
- DaveAshby-ccfd6Community Member
Add my vote!
- MarkoRubanCommunity Member
I've also struggled with lack of control for corner radius on speech bubbles for months. Please add my vote as well to this feature request.
Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes Community, Marko! 🎉
Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and I'm sorry for the trouble regarding the corner radius on speech bubbles. I've added your voice to the feature request, and you'll be among the first to know once this enhancement is added to Storyline!