Forum Discussion

TeresaVanderpos's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

NVDA and Storyline lightboxes modern player

Hi everyone,

I am updating an older module from classic player to modern player, and reviewing all the accessibility.  It was in rough shape.  I think I have added my focus order correctly, adjusted all Object names, put alt text where needed, removed items from focus order.

I zipped it to SCORM 2004 3rd edition and running a test in Absorb LMS (in case this matters).  To be honest my NVDA skills are minimal but using a shortcut Key list from NVDA to help. 

I can't get the keyboard to work/read my text after a lightbox opens, only the close button, it continues to read the base layer.  I found one discussion that said select your spacebar but that did not work for me.

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts.  We are being asked to be way more diligent (rightfully soon) about accessibility and just a little frustrated, that I have everything as correct as I can.


Second note:  I find NVDA with down arrow moves through things nicely, but in the modern player after i finish the slide I sometimes get some "blanks" then it always says "outside of region" before moving to the prev/next buttons, is that normal?

Last note: one section is one slide with 10 layers and about 5 lightboxes, and worried if I have to simplify for accessibility to work even though I have set it up I feel correctly.

Big ask, if anyone is willing to take a look I can send file :)

  • Here is a snippet of two recordings. In the source file this section is under the Pictogram scenes, and in the Hazards section with the physical groups lightbox, I can't get it to the lightboxes.  although it did get in in the 2nd video, but I was pressing anything.  I will send the source file via the support case as it won't load here must be too big.  Thanks for the assist.

    We’ve opened case number 00981078 for you.

  • Thank you both, sorry for not acknowledging your messages, I used to get a notice in my email when someone has replied but I didn't receive anything.  StevenBenassi I will upload the source file and will try to do a screen recording.  ID4WiscState thank you for all the tips.  It is interesting I avoid lightboxes now in the modern player as I don't like how far away the close button is to the interaction, but I have alot of old modules that now have to be looked at and lots of lightboxes.  

    My other question for the Feedback pop up windows for correct/incorrect.  I have to go in and turn off accessibility for the oval and the checkmark, but the rectangle itself is also turned on, can I turn it off as well so the screen reader just reads the feedback title and text box and button? Or does the rectangle have to stay accessible for the screen reader to read the info inside.  Just thought I would add that just in case :)  We have been taking it off...

    • ID4WiscState's avatar
      Community Member

      You can turn off accessibility to the rectangle, just leave it on for the textboxes themselves.

  • ID4WiscState's avatar
    Community Member

    To get the lighbox to work, you have to "enter" the lightbox. Navigate through your course until the lightbox is highlighted, then select space to activate the lightbox. Then you can navigate through its contents. For as complicated as that is, I typically avoid lightboxes.

  • ID4WiscState's avatar
    Community Member

    Hey there,

    I think you are on track! Some additional considerations from my experience...

    • "Groups" can interfere with the highlight box, causing it to not overlay on the object it is reading. I believe this has to do with the child objects having a location relative to the group, and NVDA mis interpreting that relative location as a universal location. I don't think there is anything to be done about that.
    • The screen reader will read empty line breaks, in case those get used instead of paragraph spacing.
    • The screen reader will only read objects currently on the timeline, but also if they are off screen; so-
      • Beware objects whose timeline ends before the slide timeline ends; those should likely only be objects marked decorative
      • Items off of the workspace but whose timeline persists with the end of the slide timeline are still visible; so you can animate an item off screen and still have it be found by NVDA, or create extra instructions in an off-canvas text box.
    • The screen reader will read your captions. If you are only screen reading after the slide has played through, it will hold space for where the captions should be with a "blank".
  • Dare I add, I also noticed that it moves through a quiz nicely, but I have to press arrow down twice when I get to the next question or it starts reading the first question again, even though I am not on the first question anymore...:( I know part is my inexperience for sure.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi TeresaVanderpos!

      Sorry to hear you're having issues navigating a Storyline course with the NVDA screen reader!

      It would be helpful to see a copy of your .story file as well as a screen recording of the behavior as you're experiencing it on your end. If you're comfortable sharing, please upload those items here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!