Forum Discussion
Reach 360- Questions
I am currently looking into using Reach 360 as our LMS. But looking to find a few answers.
We have specific teams that hire temp employees quarterly. With the basic Reach 360, I see 300 learners are included am I able to remove my temp employees and replace with full time employees as they are hired or is the 300 learners mean once that learner is in the system they take the learner role even if they are gone?
Any way to set up a feedback or evaluation in Reach? My though is, I would use Storyline to build out the questions with survey response and publish to Reach360, I see it would show completion and quiz percent but for freeform answers how would I be able to see that data via reach analysis, if possible. If not any other possible solutions?
Is it possible to move a learner from one 'Group' to another if they get promoted or switch departments?
Is there a limit to the amount of content I upload? Or a limit to the amount of content I update. I may be uploading upwards of 70+ courses, 10 of which I would update and reupload bi-annually.
Since there is no Reach 360 in the 'Post in' section I chose building better course. so thank you in advance anyone who found this despite the wrong category and can help me out.
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
AngeloCruz- Hi Angelo. I hope you're well. I'm just following up to see if you've found a solution about to the questions not showing up.
Hi Gretchen,
Thanks for following up on this case. It seems Angelo is still investigating the issue, but I informed him in the support case that you have followed up here.
Let's continue the conversation in your support case to keep all the information in one place, but I'm happy to assist further as needed!
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
Hey! I'm just following up. Have you found a solution?
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
I got it and just send you the link.
Hi GretchenOsodipe!
Thanks for letting us know!
I see that Angelo is currently testing your .story file. He should be following up with you shortly!
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
StevenBenassi Thanks! I don't see the email with the link. I'll let you know when I get it.
Hi GretchenOsodipe!
You're welcome. Thanks for following up!
Is there a chance the e-mail was diverted to a junk/SPAM folder? It looks like my teammate Angelo is handling your case, and just sent you a follow up e-mail today, on 1/06.
We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
This is all I see.
Hi GretchenOsodipe,
Try this:
- Click on the Activity tab next to Status.
- Click on the score under the quiz column of the learner whose responses you'd like to check.
- Select View Report here.
Let me know if you find it!
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
I think I figured it out. I think my problem was that I had more than one quiz on per course. So data wasn't showing.
Now I have 1 more quick question.
1. How do I get the survey questions that learners respond to to show up on this report. This particular question was a pick many.
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
I do have my quesetion in a title box- however, I can't see where I can access learners' responses in Reach.
Hello GretchenOsodipe! If you click the View Results button, you should see additional responses not listed in the report. Please let me know if you have any trouble!
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
I'm still can't see the additional information.
- GretchenOsodipeCommunity Member
Can you give a little more detail about the workaround. I have quite a few questions that I'd like to see learners' answers to.
- By default, Storylines' Freeform questions don't send question text to an LMS since they don't generally have question fields or title boxes. As a workaround, this article outlines how to send freeform answers to an LMS, so they can be viewed on Reach 360's Analyze dashboard.
- LukaPetersCommunity Member
Thank you for the explanation, Jose.
Honestly, I think this is a very bad scheme from Articulate. Just 300 "active" learners per year, and defining "active" as anyone how has started to learn or even just had a look at things and than never log in again. Thats a joke, a bad one. Since learning analytics are used in Reach anyway it would be fair to count "active" learners based on a certain percentage of usage.
Hi Savannah!
Happy to share some insight on Reach 360! Allow me to address each of your questions individually:
Once removed from Reach 360, a learner would still have counted as an active learner if they took part in a course. This means they contributed to the total active learners allowed for your Reach 360 subscription and removing them won't add the credit back.
- By default, Storylines' Freeform questions don't send question text to an LMS since they don't generally have question fields or title boxes. As a workaround, this article outlines how to send freeform answers to an LMS, so they can be viewed on Reach 360's Analyze dashboard.
- Adding or removing users from a group is easy with Reach 360's group management feature!
- The only data limits you may encounter would be the 5GB maximum for individual content packages, and the 300 active learner limit that gets refreshed annually.
Please let me know if you need anything else!
- StephanieDinanCommunity Member
Hi Steven,
Thanks for the great information. I am looking into using Reach 360 for temp learners as well and wanted to clarify #1. If we delete learners do those credits become available once the subscription renews?
For example if we add 300 learners this year who complete training, then delete 250 of those learners users before our subscription renews, can we then add 250 different learners once our subscription renews?Hi Stephanie,
If your learners record any learning activity, then they will count towards the 300 active learner limit. Deleting the learners after they record learning activity will not release the credit or count they consumed.
In your example:
- If you add 300 users and 250 of them record learning activity, you can delete the 50 who did not take part in the course and invite other users in their place.
- If you delete the 250 users, you will still be left with 50 remaining users since learning activity is what is credited towards the active learners count.
- The 300 count will then get refreshed when the annual subscription renews.
Hope this helps!