Forum Discussion

SamanthaHave439's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Replicating text from one data entry field into another one

Hi all!

I'm wondering if it's possible to copy the contents of one data entry field on one slide, into another data entry field on a different slide?

My learners will create a learning challenge for themselves at the start of the module, than revisit it half way through and again at the end. Using the %TextEntry1% instruction I'm able to show them what they typed at the start, but I'd also like it to show in a second data entry field so they can change/amend it if they wish.

Is this possible?

  • Hi, Samantha,

    Add a trigger that adjusts the second text-entry variable to the value of the first text-entry variable. That would look something like this: 

    The trigger will put the value into the text-entry field, but the user will still be able to edit that field.