Forum Discussion
Reporting and Tracking: Tracking Options
On the Tracking Options page there is the statement: "When should the course be marked complete on your LMS/LRS? The first selected option the learner completes gets reported to the LMS/LRS."
My question: is the first option selected the ONLY information reported to the LMS.
For example, if you set the course to be marked complete after viewing slide 1, but you have an exam on slide 10, is the exam reported (but not used to determine course completion)? Or does the LMS stop reporting anything after the first course completion trigger is reached?
- JHauglieCommunity Member
This answer partly depends on what publishing format you use and how your LMS is configured.
In many instances, a Storyline module is published to SCORM ("Shareable Content Object Reference Model") standards. SCORM defines a series of standard fields for the LMS, including one for "user completion of the online content" (my terminology and definition). Because there is a single field for that data, Storyline can only report a single data point for each user; thus, "[t]he first selected option the learner completes gets reported to the LMS/LRS."
There are other data that could be reported by Storyline, but publishing to SCORM limits that capability. So using some type of xAPI output, or configuring your LMS differently, could take advantage of the additional data. But for a great number of users, and their LMSs, it's practical to publish the course to SCORM standards and use a single data input to track completion or failure.