Forum Discussion
Restricting Tab Navigation
I'm trying to make a slide that is simulating another program that they're learning. Specifically, this slide is teaching them to use Tab and shift-Tab to move between text entry fields. Being able to tab between fields is built into Storyline already, so that's not an issue itself. But limiting other behaviours is proving to be an issue.
Intended design:
- No text boxes are selected at start of slide
- solved this with offscreen textbox at index 0
- Click to select the first text box, then enter content.
- I'm successfully capturing this.
- Tab to the next field, then enter content.
- by covering the other fields with an invisible object, I can force them to use Tab instead of clicking.
- Tab to the next field and again enter content.
- Shift-Tab to return to previous field and change content.
- I think I should be able to do this.
- Tabbing from the third field should do nothing, but instead it's popping up an error "Skip navigation. Press enter to return to slide."
- I can capture the Tab press and make it do something in addition to the error.
- I don't know how to override the error.
- Shift tabbing from the first visible field should do nothing, but instead is highlighting the offscreen textbox.
- Same issue, I don't know how to override the default behaviour.
The other thing that may come up is making sure the focus is where I want and needing to reset it to the desired focal point.
Is this something that will be possible or will I have to just trust that they're navigating using the instructions they're given ?
- NedimCommunity Member
You can't override it, but you can disable it so that it won't appear. Does disabling it make a difference for you? As Cary mentioned, this is a feature, not a bug, and certainly not an error.
- CaryGlenn1Super Hero
Skip navigation is there to aid learner who are using screen readers or tabbing to navigate a course. It makes it so they don't have to tab multiple times to get to the slide content on every slide. It is an important part of designing and developing accessible learning. Depending on where you live, your organization, and your learners accessibility may or may not be mandatory.
- CaryGlenn1Super Hero
I think much of the issue is that tab and shift-tab functions are intended for accessibility. The "Skip navigation. Press enter to return to slide." error is a feature not a bug (as the tech folks say). I don't believe that can be overridden.
- HoneyTurnerCommunity Member
I'm not really sure what "Skip navigation" is supposed to mean, which I think is why I want it gone so badly. I prefer to avoid popups that will cause confusion. But, being reminded that it's intentional clued me in that it's editable in the Player Text Labels. #147: Screen Readers: Skip navigation instructions
If I just change that to something less confusing, that may do the job. e.g. "Press Shift-Tab to return to slide."
That still means I need a different solution if they shift-tab too far.- HoneyTurnerCommunity Member
I solved for the shift-tab going to the offscreen object, by shortening the timeline on it so it doesn't exist. Now it doesn't give an error message and doesn't show anything selected. I'm not sure yet if I'm happy with that as a final result since it's still putting something else in focus.