Forum Discussion

Bronwyn-Botts's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Results for multiple quizzes not calculating correctly

I have a course with a total of 4 quizzes. Each question in these quizzes is worth 10 points. A score of 80% is required to pass. For each quiz, users will be given 5 questions. If they get them all right, they move on to the next slides. If they get less than 80%, they will be given another set of 5 questions, continuing in this way until they get 80% or higher and can move on. Each quiz result slide SHOULD give me the results for that individual quiz, but what I'm seeing is that after the first quiz, the second results slide will say sorry you did not pass, but the score will say 100. 

Here's an example: I take the first quiz and get them all right - results slide says I passed with 100%. But then when I take the second quiz, I answered only 2 correctly - results slide shows You Did Not Pass, but the score is 100. And when I get to Quiz 3, I answered 1 correctly, and the results slide showed me You did Not Pass, but the score was 100.

Any idea on how I can get these results to ONLY track the current quiz I'm on?

  • Bronwyn-Botts

    The name of a quiz is indicated in the Quiz Settings. That window appears when you insert a new Results slide. You can also open the Quiz Settings via the RESULT TOOLS > DESIGN ribbon.

    Storyline defaults to naming quizzes Quiz1, Quiz2, etc. A quiz can be renamed by editing the Name field in the Quiz Settings window. 

    The Name is used in the name of the corresponding variables that track the points and percent. (For example, Quiz1.ScorePoints, Quiz1.PassPoints, Quiz1.ScorePercent, and Quiz1.PassPercent.) When you edit the Name field, Storyline automatically updates the corresponding variable names to match.

    For troubleshooting, you need to check that what's in the Quiz Setting's Name field matches the quiz-name part of the variables on that Results slide. 

    • If not, edit the triggers so they match the Name.
    • When you hover over a trigger, you'll be able to see which parts are editable. 
    • Be careful when choosing another variable from the list. Pay attention to the second part of the quiz variable's name (e.g., .ScorePercent vs .ScorePoints).

    You can get additional help with variables here: Storyline 360: Working with Variables | Articulate - Community 

    • Bronwyn-Botts's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for your help. All of the things you suggested were correct...almost. :) I did find the issue. For some reason the actual NUMBER for what percent I got was tied to the wrong built-in variable. So, in case anyone ever has this issue, here's what to do. Right click on the number and it'll come up with References. Click that and then click on the built-on variables and be sure that the "ScorePercent" matches with the actual quiz you're on. 

  • When you insert a Results slides, Storyline creates the built-in variables needed for scoring/tracking. 

    Based on your description, it sounds like the Results are all tracking the first quiz, but showing the score for the current quiz (e.g., quiz 2, 3, etc.). In other words, the Results slides aren't always referring to the appropriate variables. 

    All of the triggers for a given Results slide should refer to the appropriate quiz (e.g., "Quiz1" or "Quiz2" or whatever names you gave the quizzes). 

    • Bronwyn-Botts's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much...I'm coming up with a total blank as to how to do this. I see that I currently have "Show layer Success when the timeline starts on this slide if Quiz1.ScorePoints (is greater than or equal to) Quiz1.PassPoints". I understand that I need to change these to make them specific to each quiz. But these are NUMBER variables and I never work with number variables. Are you able to help? :)