Forum Discussion

SuvinV-7855fa96's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Scorm slide progress percentage to LMS

Hi, I'm looking for a solution to track/pass slide by slide progress percentage to an LMS.
Please help me with this and share if there is any Java script available for this.
*Note: I'm not a js expert :)


  • Hi Cristina, I'm afraid this SCORM 2004 only. SCORM 1.2 does not provide this field or any other to track a percentage complete.

  • Hi Suvin,

    You would need to pass the data to the SCORM 2004 data model element called cmi.progress_measure. You need to be aware that this accepts a value between 0 and 1. 0 being 0% completed and 1 being 100% completed and 0.5 being 50% completed (assuming a completion threshold hasn't been set.)

    What you first need to do in Storyline, is assign the Project.Progress variable to a user defined variable, for example "ProgressMeasure". Make this a number type variable. You should then set a trigger on your Master Template as follows:

    You then need to send this value to the LMS. I think the safest way to do this, is on timeline start again. This will be using JavaScript and Storylines build in LMS Set function as follows:

    // Get the player object
    var player = GetPlayer();
    // Get the variable from Storyline
    var ProgressMeasure = player.GetVar('ProgressMeasure');
    // Change to value between 0 and 1
    ProgressMeasure = (ProgressMeasure / 100);
    // Send to the LMS

    Publish to SCORM 2004 and that should work.

    Some friendly feedback for you. For future posts on the forum, I highly recommend first having a go at some kind of solution your self, or at least sharing any research you have done, as it can sometimes come across that posters haven't attempted a solution and look for a solution handed to them on a platter. 

    You'll learn the software a lot quicker through trying things and researching on the forums. I understand that this is a more complex one, but even finding the Storyline progress variables would have demonstrated some effort to find the solution.

    • JesseP's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Sam,

      Thank you for these instructions! They were relatively easy to follow. I did not get the results expected, but I think that might actually be the LMS. Before I reach to them, I wanted to confirm I indeed followed your instructions correctly.

      I was working from an existing course so I set the user defined ProgressMeasure variable on the first slide. Should this still work?

      What I then did is on the last slide of each scene I added in the JavaScript with the intent to update the measure at the end of each scene. Is that the correct way to use the script?

      • SamHill's avatar
        Super Hero

        Hi JesseP if you add the functionality to the MASTER SLIDE it will then trigger on every slide in your module. I'm happy to take a look at a published version of you like. Also, SCORM Cloud is a free service that allows you to test SCORM content and view the logs generated. You can then confirm the content works, with evidence before approaching your LMS vendor with the issue.

    • CristinaZaplana's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi SAM, 

      This operational can be applied in Scorm 1.2? And Where i can insert this JavaScrip to be read by Moodle Plattform?. I try to insert in the Slide master but I can not know if this will work. In other hand, i configured already a progress bar in a Slide collection but it isnĀ“t connect with LMS its only to preview the progress in the slide collection. 

      can you give me your feedback?



  • Hi Suvin, the progress is available via a variable in Storyline "Project.Progress". This will provide the percent of the module complete based on Slides Viewed and Total Slides.

    Which API are you using to pass that percentage progress to the LMS, SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004?