Forum Discussion

DouweHarder's avatar
Community Member
12 days ago

screenreader says 'clickable' when a textbox is a heading

I'm using the NVDA screenreader to test and to get some idea on how readers with a screenreader go through my Storyline slides.

If I'm using Heading 1 for a text the screenreader adds the word 'clickable' to the text it reads. There is no trigger attached to the heading and it is not interactive so it is not clickable...

If I change the Heading 1 style in Normal text style: the word clickable is not included.

If I use the Up arrow key to navigate back to the title the word clickable is not added. If I use the down arrow again the word clickable is added again.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this logical behaviour?

  • DouweHarder's avatar
    Community Member

    JoseTansengcoThanks a lot for testing. Yhanks for the tip about deselcting clickable.

    What bothers me more is the unwanted jumping of the screenreader tot the last object in the focus order. That makes navigation for people with screenreaders very cumbersome.

    So if I understand it correctly:
    * When you NVDA you als get this strange and unwanted jump tot the last object in the focus order.
    * JAWS makes no strange jumps

    Is that correct?

    Is JAWS a better and more reliable screenreader than NVDA?

    Are there other people reading this discussion with experiences with screenreaders?

    Is there a way to avoid or work around this jump of NVDA to the end after an user-interaction?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello DouweHarder,

      I can confirm that I didn't experience any jumps when I tested your course using the latest version of JAWS. Selecting JAWS over NVDA is a matter of preference and the program's availability. I'd recommend checking our community for input on which screen reader they prefer and to see if anyone else is experiencing the same behavior as you. 

  • Hi DouweHarder!

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are experiencing when using the NVDA screen reader!

    I had a somewhat different experience while testing the scenario you described. I observed the NVDA screen reader announce "clickable frame main landmark". Which is an ARIA landmark. Screen reader users are able to understand items on the screen and navigate to them, by using these landmarks. However, this dictation was was announced regardless if I had a Heading applied to my text, or not.

    Also, are you testing your course in a published output, and not as a preview within Storyline 360? That is the recommended practice for testing.

    With your permission, I'd like to take a closer look at your .story file to investigate this further. Do you mind uploading a copy here in the discussion, or privately through a support case? We'll delete it from our system as soon as we're finished troubleshooting!

    • DouweHarder's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi StevenBenassi, thank you for jumping in. I am testing in Scormcloud. Herewith a link with 3 slides, with other issues as well. NVDA screenreader jumping to the last object in the focus order after an interaction and skipping a lot of objects. Observations are included in the storyline file and scormcloud link.

      The behaviour is not always consistent. Sometimes it goes wrong, sometimes it doesn't go wrong. (Most of the times wrong)


      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hello DouweHarder,

        Thanks for the additional information. We tested the behavior and confirmed we could consistently replicate it using NVDA. What's strange is that the behavior appears specific to NVDA, so you shouldn't run into the same behavior if you use JAWS to read your courses. 

        If you'd like to change this behavior and continue using NVDA, you can uncheck the "Clickable" announcement in the settings as a workaround. 

        Hope this helps!